Wednesday Aug 15 - Run Deep

Congrats to everyone who ran the Tomato 5k! And thanks to everyone who volunteered or visited our booth at Tomato Fest! What a great weekend! We are back to our regular route schedule this week.

Route #6

This week is Route #6: Riverside. This route requires a couple of important safety notes:

  • First, 99% percent of the time we need you to run on the left side of the road against traffic, but on this route there is one section in Shelby Park where that changes. After passing the lake, as you are going up the hill out of Shelby Park, stay on the RIGHT side of the road. Stay alert as the hill and curve in the road make it difficult to see and be seen by cars. (This is the same hill we run DOWN after Mt Nasty on Route #12). When you reach the top, turn right and go under the train bridge, then turn left onto Riverside. Stay on the left side of Riverside in the bike lane. Remember – we share those roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars.
  • Second, there is still a little bit of construction happening along Porter road. PLEASE be careful, watch for traffic, and use your best judgment. Don’t just dart out into traffic.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work.

If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. This is the perfect place for all you P2Ters to plug right into!

NRC Pint Night Special Edition

After the run head over to Nashville Running Company for a special tasting 'pint night' with Deep Bay Spirits - a new local Nashville company that offers Vodka Soda and Gin Soda canned cocktails. No sugar, no carbs, no preservatives! Sounds good!

Also after the run at NRC we will have a few remaining shirts from Tomato Fest for sale. Including some more of the popular teal shirts that we sold out of! First come, first served! If you missed out on Friday or Saturday this might be your last chance!


New Ts & Tanks at Tomato Fest! Pre-Sale TONIGHT at NRC!

Brand New Apparel!

TONIGHT from 5:30-7pm shop early at our Tomato Fest PRE-SALE EVENT at NASHVILLE RUNNING COMPANY!

Our brand new East Nasty Ts and Tanks are in! They will be available this Saturday at the Tomato Fest to the general public, but just for East Nasties you can shop early at Nashville Running Company tonight from 5:30-7pm at 820 Woodland Street. (Note: Parking behind the store will be unavailable). Why should you get yours tonight? If you purchase your shirt tonight and wear it to Tomato Fest tomorrow, you can stop by the East Nasty booth to be entered into a drawing for one of TWO $50 gift cards to NRC!

Good luck to everyone racing the Tomato 5K tomorrow morning! It's a big day for East Nasty! Huge congrats to all of our Potato-to-Tomatoes running their first 5k! We hope to see everyone at our booth at the Tomato Fest tomorrow (we will be right in front of 3 Crow Bar).




ApparelDuane Stephenson
Wednesday Aug 8 - P2T Graduation!

Welcome our newest East Nasties!

The week is a big week for East Nasty. Not only is it Tomato Fest week, but tonight we welcome the newest graduates from our Potato-to-Tomato program! Be sure to cheer and welcome these guys - they have been working hard all summer getting ready to race on Saturday. We are so proud of them! It's very exciting, and we will have an extra large group this week - which means parking is gonna be tight, so get here early if you can. We're asking specifically that you avoid parking in Fanny's House of Music - the P2Ters will be congregating there, as well as parents picking up and dropping off kids for music classes. It's part of our effort to be good neighbors!

Route #8

Since the P2Ters will be running part of the Tomato 5K course tonight, we're gonna run in the opposite direction to keep things from getting too congested. So, tonight is a special one-off edition of Route #8: Rick’s Market.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group.

Tomato Fest 2018!

Saturday August 11th is one of the biggest days fo the year for East Nashville and East Nasty – it’s the 2018 Tomato Festival!!! Run or cheer the 5K, buy one of our new 2018 shirts or tanks, volunteer at our booth, and come out wearing your East Nasty gear and spend the day in 5 Points with us!

Friday T-shirt Pre-sale at NRC! – Our new 2018 Ts and tanks are almost ready and look amazing! They will be available for purchase by the general public at our booth at Tomato Fest on Saturday, but were having a special pre-sale just for East Nasties at Nashville Running Company on FRIDAY evening from 5:30-7pm! Come buy your shirt on Friday so you can wear it at the fest on Saturday!

East Nashville Tomato 5K – The East Nashville Tomato 5K is our ‘home race’ and every year East Nasty comes out in force. It’s also the 5K that our P2Ters train to run! It's not too late to register here:

East Nasty Tomato Fest ‘Water Tent’ Booth! –  As usual we will have a booth set up right in front of 3 Crow Bar and we will be selling our new shirts and serving free water to anyone who is thirsty during the Tomato Festival. It is our way of giving back to the community as a thanks for letting us run on the neighborhood streets. We still need 2 more volunteers to work a 2 hour afternoon shift. The volunteers will be passing out water, selling shirts, refilling coolers, getting ice, and spreading the East Nasty cheer. Sign up for a shift here! Be sure to wear your East Nasty shirt. Contact Jeremy Taylor for more details:


Wednesday August 1 - The Struggle is Real

Can you finish a half marathon in under 90 mins while pushing a TRIPLE stroller? This mom did! If you can do that, then get a sitter and meet us at Pint Night. But if you're not quite there yet, you're in good company. Come struggle and get better with us tonight. Oh, and Saturdays and/or Sundays, too!

Route #5

This Wednesday is one of our most popular runs: Route #5: Walking Bridge. It’s always fun to run across the bridge and through downtown. As we run through downtown, remember that you are representing our organization and that our club’s safety, reputation, and standing in the community is a responsibility you share in. That means crossing the street only in crosswalks and intersections – never in the middle of the road. That means stopping at stoplights and to slow down and use caution at intersections. We need you to be respectful and courteous to pedestrians on the sidewalks downtown, along with other runners, cyclists, and motorists that we share the road with. Thanks for doing your part!

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. (Note that most of that group is participating in, or volunteer coaching, our P2T Couch-to-5K program, so you may want to check them out on facebook to see if anyone is meeting early to run/walk.)

Pint Night

It’s Pint Night at Nashville Running Company after the run! If you don't know where they are at, we run right past the store towards the end of this route – keep an eye out for it! NRC always offers a 10% discount to East Nasty runners. Have a pint of some Yazoo and pick up some new gear while you’re there! Also, Wounded Warrior Project will be onsite promoting their race this Fall.

Weekend Long Runs and Fall Training

We've got 2 options for you for free weekend long runs this summer and fall - Saturday and/or Sunday.

Saturday mornings - PR Bandits. East Nasty is partnering with the ‘PR Bandits’ again in 2018 who are hosting supported long runs on Saturday mornings all around Nashville. Check them out on Facebook HERE for when and where details.

Sunday mornings - Fall Marathon Training. Join Alyce Scrivner and a bunch of other East Nasties that do long runs on Sundays at 7:00 am, also meeting at many different locations throughout the city. To find out where they are each week, reach out to Alyce at to be put on the weekly email list.

Tomato Fest 2018!

Saturday August 11th is one of the biggest days fo the year for East Nashville and East Nasty - it's the 2018 Tomato Art Festival!! Run or cheer the 5K, volunteer at our booth, and come out wearing your East Nasty gear and spend the day in 5 Points with us!

East Nashville Tomato 5K - The East Nashville Tomato 5K is our ‘home race’ and every year East Nasty comes out in force. It’s also the 5K that our P2Ters train to run! Details and registration here:

East Nasty Tomato Fest ‘Water Tent’ Booth! -  As usual we will have a booth set up right in front of 3 Crow Bar and we will be selling our new shirts and serving free water to anyone who is thirsty during the Tomato Festival. It is our way of giving back to the community as a thanks for letting us run on the neighborhood streets. We still need a few more volunteers to work a 2 hour shift. The volunteers will be passing out water, selling shirts, refilling coolers, getting ice, and spreading the East Nasty cheer. Sign up for a shift here! Be sure to wear your East Nasty shirt. Contact Jeremy Taylor for more details:


Wednesday July 25 - Summer in Shelby

Route #4

This week we head back into Shelby Park for Route #4: The Big Shelby Loop. 99% percent of the time we need you to run on the left side of the road against traffic, but on this route it’s safer to run on the right side on Davidson Street once you’re in the park. When you make the right turn from Davidson to head up the Sevier/Naval hill, get back over to the left side of the road. Once again we will be running near the East Nashville Farmer’s Market – please be extra courteous and share the roads and greenway with the families and kids that will be out there. It is important for us to be good neighbors so we can continue to use the park.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. Note that most of that group is participating in, or volunteer coaching, our P2T Couch-to-5K program, so you may want to check them out on facebook to see if anyone is meeting early to run/walk. You may see some of our P2Ters in the park during the run – be sure to give them a good shout out! We are so proud of all the hard work they have been doing over the past few weeks!

East Nashville Tomato 5K

The East Nashville Tomato 5K is our ‘home race’ and every year East Nasty comes out in force. It’s also the 5K that our P2Ters train to run! The race is set for August 11th, 2018 (Tomato Fest day!) and registration is open. Details and registration here:

Calling for Volunteers! East Nasty Tomato Fest ‘Water Tent’ Booth!

Saturday Aug 11th is Tomato Fest and one of the biggest days of the year for East Nashville and East Nasty! We will have a booth set up right in front of 3 Crow Bar and we will be serving free water to anyone who is thirsty during the Tomato Festival. It is our way of giving back to the community as a thanks for letting us run on the neighborhood streets. We need volunteers to work in 2 hour shifts. The volunteers will be passing out water, selling shirts, refilling coolers, getting ice, and spreading the East Nasty cheer. Sign up for a shift here! Be sure to wear your East Nasty shirt. Contact Jeremy Taylor for more details:



Wednesday July 18 - Duh-mun-bree-uhn? Dee-mun-broo-in? de-Mount-Brown?

Route #3

This week is Route #3: Musica and features a good stretch on the (tricky to pronounce?) street named after Nashville's 'first citizen': Timothy Demonbreun. This is an out and back route, so you can choose your mileage. It’s about 4 miles if you turn around right after crossing the pedestrian bridge. It’s about 5 miles if you turn around at Cummins Station. And it’s about 6.3 if you do the whole thing. This route is a great way to see downtown, but there are lots of intersections and traffic on this route. Please be especially courteous, use crosswalks, and obey traffic signals – don’t dart out into traffic! The heat and humidity of Middle Tennessee summer is fully upon us, so be sure to keep hydrated before, during, and after our runs!

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:30pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group.

Cup Cleaning Volunteers Needed

We still need a few more volunteers to sign up for cup cleaning volunteer raffle slots for this quarter! Volunteer to help wash the cups!Everyone that signs up for a week to clean the cups will be entered to win $100 gift card to NRC. The more you volunteer, the more chances you get to win. We will draw a winner at the end of every quarter – so you have a 1-in-13 chance to win if you volunteer, a 2-in-13 chance if you volunteer twice, etc. Big thanks to Schaffer Law Firm for sponsoring this program! Here’s how it works: 1) Sign up on the Google doc. 2) Take the cups home. 3) Wash them. 4) Post a pic on social media showing you washed them and tag our FacebookInstagram, or Twitter. 5) Bring the cups back to the run the next week.

East Nashville Tomato 5K

The East Nashville Tomato 5K is our ‘home race’ and every year East Nasty comes out in force. It’s also the 5K that our P2Ters train to run! The race is set for August 11th, 2018 (Tomato Fest day!) and registration is open. Details and registration here:


Want to clean our your closet, give back to those in need, and help our club? Our pals at Nashville Running Company have partnered with Sneakers4Funds which collects gently worn shoes to go to microenterprises in developing nations. These shoes become their inventory - Sneakers4funds give them shoes to get started, and then as they sell shoes, they can buy more! Even better, this partnership allows NRC to provide funds from donated sneakers to a local non-profit of our choice - and they've selected East Nasty as the local non-profit to benefit! It's a win-win-win! For more info, check out So, gather your shoes, drop them in a bin at NRC, and help out others!!

Wednesday July 11 - Melting in Shelby

Welcome to the summer quarter of East Nasty! We started our cycle of 12 runs again last week with a special holiday run of Route #1 on July 4th, and we'll keep going with #2 this week. Board members leading this quarter of Wednesday nights are Drew Jones, Meg Willoughby, and Duane. Look for them each week on the megaphone, making announcements, and getting the run going. The heat and humidity of Middle Tennessee summer is fully upon us, so be sure to keep hydrated well before, during, and after our runs!

Route #2

This week we continue our 12 week cycle with Route #2: ‘Round the Bird. We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group.

This run takes us into Shelby Park and is a figure-8 route that crosses over itself. Be sure to high five each other at the intersection! Shelby Park is our local treasure and it can get pretty busy with lots of groups and events making use of it. Please be extra courteous and share the roads and greenway with other runners, walkers, cyclists, and park goers. It is important for us to be good neighbors so we can continue to use the park.

It's HOT and we have 2 ways to help you cool off today. Be on the lookout for popsicles near the end of the run (Thanks to Dan and Drew Ann Borsos!) and after the run it's Pint Night at NRC!

Cup Cleaning Raffle

Sign up for cup cleaning volunteer raffle slots for this quarter! (Note: we need someone for tonight!) Volunteer to help wash the cups!Everyone that signs up for a week to clean the cups will be entered to win $100 gift card to NRC. The more you volunteer, the more chances you get to win. We will draw a winner at the end of every quarter – so you have a 1-in-13 chance to win if you volunteer, a 2-in-13 chance if you volunteer twice, etc. Big thanks to Schaffer Law Firm for sponsoring this program! Here’s how it works: 1) Sign up on the Google doc. 2) Take the cups home. 3) Wash them. 4) Post a pic on social media showing you washed them and tag our FacebookInstagram, or Twitter. 5) Bring the cups back to the run the next week.

East Nashville Tomato 5K

The East Nashville Tomato 5K is our ‘home race’ and every year East Nasty comes out in force. It’s also the 5K that our P2Ters train to run! The race is set for August 11th, 2018 (Tomato Fest day!) and registration is open. Details and registration here:

Calling for Volunteers! East Nasty Tomato Fest ‘Water Tent' Booth!

Saturday Aug 11th is Tomato Fest and one of the biggest days of the year for East Nashville and East Nasty! We will have a booth set up right in front of 3 Crow Bar and we will be serving free water to anyone who is thirsty during the Tomato Festival. It is our way of giving back to the community as a thanks for letting us run on the neighborhood streets. We need volunteers to work in 2 hour shifts. The volunteers will be passing out water, selling shirts, refilling coolers, getting ice, and spreading the East Nasty cheer. Sign up for a shift here! Be sure to wear your East Nasty shirt. Contact Jeremy Taylor for more details:


Wednesday July 4 - Red, White, and Run

Yes! We will run on Wednesday July 4th - at 7am! If you're not racing that morning, come get in an easy run before you enjoy your Independence Day fun, fests, and fireworks! Bring your own hydration (we may or may not have coolers) and make sure you know the route.

Route #1

We will do Route #1: One Hilly 5(ish)K. Please note the stops signs along Shelby – be safe, obey all traffic laws, and be extra courteous.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly - this week at 7am. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. Remember we share the roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars – please help us be good neighbors!

Wednesday June 27 - Church Run

Route #11

This week is Route #11 – The Church Run. East Nashville is one of the oldest communities in Nashville with many historic buildings dating back to the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Some of the most beautiful architecture is highlighted in the churches – and we pass around 15 of them on this route.  It’s a great week to invite new runners and beginners – because you can easily stop after just 2 miles of the first loop of the figure 8.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. If you are a run/walker and want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. Remember we share the roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars – please, stay on the sidewalks or to the far left on the road, obey traffic signals and stop signs, and cross only in marked crosswalks. Help us be good neighbors to the community!

Potato to Tomato FREE Couch-to-5K Training

Our 2018 P2T training has begun - but it’s not too late to join in! Grab a friend and start a new fitness journey with us like so many other have! Get info and sign up here: and join the Facebook page here:

Tower Deli - Give Back Offer THIS Sunday!


Tower Market & Deli - Special!

THIS Sunday - June 24 - our kind neighbors at Tower Market and Deli are donating 15% of your purchase back to East Nasty! Go in this Sunday, order a delicious sandwich or other item (I recommend the breakfast burrito! and yes, they have a kids menu! and salads!), be sure to tell the cashier you are with East Nasty, and help give back to the club! Thank you! and thank you Tower Deli!

Tower Market and Deli 1305 Gallatin Ave (corner of Gallatin and Douglas

(615) 650-1005 Sunday hours: 7am- 9pm


PR Bandits - Edwin Warner Greenway

East Nasty is partnering with the ‘PR Bandits’ again in 2018 who are hosting supported long runs on Saturday mornings. This Saturday, June 23rd, Joanna has selected a flat and fast out and back, the Edwin Warner Greenway! We will start our run from the Edwin Warner Nature Center, off of route 100 at 6am.

This great run takes us along the Harpeth River, and provides a perfect out-and-back for what ever miles you want to get in this week. We have a map for a 12 mile run, but adding on or limiting is totally your call. Look at the Map before running, although it is tough to get really lost on this path.

Hydration - There will be water at the start and finish, and at about the 4 mile mark.

Parking - Keep an eye out for the grass lot on your left before coming to the Nature Center, parking is limited beyond that point.

12mi -

RSVP here and join the PR Bandits Facebook Group for more info, get run invites, and to link up with other runners. Saturday supported runs will be held at various favorite running routes across Nashville.

Wednesday June 20 - TEN YEARS of Wednesday Night Runs!

Ten Years of Wednesday Night Runs

East Nasty founder Mark Miller started training people for the Country Music Half Marathon way back in 2005, but our Wednesday night runs started in the summer of 2008 and quickly became something special. A weekly opportunity to meet up with other runners of all levels, meet some new people, get in some miles, explore the growing East Nashville neighborhood, and have some drinks and laughs together - all without any kind of fees or costs or catch. It started with just 10 or 12 people and has grown to the 200+ people we see every week. We've had thousands of runners run with us over the years. So many people who started or made huge steps in the fitness journey have run with us - from first time 5Kers to Boston Marathoners to Ironman All World Gold athletes - all part of the East Nasty family. Come out this week at our regular time and regular place to celebrate running together on Wednesday nights for TEN YEARS! Mark Miller, the Godfather himself, will be there - and we hope you will be, too!

Route #12: The Nasty

It seems only appropriate that we celebrate 10 years with our signature run: Route #12: The Nasty! 6 miles of the worst best hills in East Nashville. As usual you will get a sticker when you complete The Nasty - one that you will want to add to your collection ;)  If you need a little shorter run, you can run ‘Nasty Lite’ – a 3.7 mile run.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:30pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. Remember we share the roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars – please, stay on the sidewalks or to the far left on the road, obey traffic signals and stop signs, and cross only in marked crosswalks.

New Board Members!

We are excited to announce the new additions to our Board of Directors! We had so many incredibly smart, hard-working, quality people interested in joining the Board that it was a joy but no easy task to make our selections. Thank you so much to all of you who applied - we hope to get all of the applicants more involved in the club's operations as we develop future leaders. For this season we're adding 5 new Board members - replacing 3 retiring members and adding 2 additional seats. Our new Board members are: Amy Smith (Our incomparable Potato to Tomato program coordinator, Nashville Sports Council pro, and loves M&Ms more than you do), Kevin Howard (Our 2018 Half Marathon Training co-coordinator, realtor, triathlete, and the only guy who irons his running shirt before every run), Ben Katz (3-time Marathoner, Lawyer, and captain of his High School Curling Team), Grant England (former Trainer/Coach with Metro Schools, rock-star volunteer, and dad-joke expert), and Donica Elliot (Trail Ultra-Marathoner, PR pro, and mom to 'Nashville's Most Fit Dog'). Please congratulate and welcome them to the Board! They will start a 2-year term later this year and you'll be seeing much more of them!

Tower Market & Deli - Special!

On Sunday June 24, Tower Market and Deli is donating 10% of sales profit to East Nasty! Be sure to go in that day, order a delicious sandwich, tell the cashier you are with East Nasty, and help give back to the club! Thank you!

Potato to Tomato FREE Couch-to-5K Training

Our 2018 P2T training started up this past weekend! It's not too late to join! Grab a friend and start a new fitness journey with us like so many other have! Get info and sign up here: and join the Facebook page here: