Support East Nasty

We exist to make East Nashville a great place to live and run, and to make running accessible to everyone in the community.

East Nasty Running Club is a 501c3 non-profit organization supported 100% by volunteer efforts. While not rocket science, keeping Wednesday night runs safe and fun, providing annual Potato to Tomato Couch to 5K training, running one of the largest half and full marathon training series in the city, planning social events, all while giving back to the community does take some coordination. We run on a zero-based budget, so East Nasty relies entirely on volunteers. There are many areas where you could be of help. If you love the organization, please consider giving back in one of the ways listed below.

Donate to East Nasty

The mission of East Nasty is to make running free and accessible to everyone. Weekly runs and all training series are always free and open to all. We only request a yearly donation from each member to cover insurance and business support through RRCA. It does, however, cost money to keep our programs running. If you would like to donate directly to East Nasty, please click on the button below. Any amount is much appreciated!

Donate to East Nasty

Corporate Matching Donations

Some employers offer matching donations to 501c3 organizations. Please consider East Nasty as you make your matching donation elections. East Nasty can accept employer matching donations through Guidestar and Your Cause. If your employer uses a different matching platform, please email Bob Shirey to coordinate.

Volunteer With east nasty

In addition to money, it takes lots of volunteer time to keep East Nasty running. Whether you want to show up and cheer other runners on or have a unique skill set we can put to use, we need volunteers. Whether you have an hour here and there, or can give us a few hours a month, we can use it. Fill out the form below, indicating the areas you would like to help with and how much time you can provide, and we will get you plugged in!

Corporate Time Matching

And speaking of corporate matching, many employers also compensate their employees for volunteer time. As a non-profit organization, check with your employer to see if your volunteer time with us qualifies you for any company benefits.

Serve on the east nasty board of directors

The East Nasty Board of Directors are the folks that keep it all glued together. If you have the capacity and desire to serve in a greater role, we periodically have openings on the Board of Directors for member who being energy, commitment, and a unique skill set to the organization. If you would like to be considered for board membership, please click on the button below for more information and to submit an application for the next round of board additions.

Thank you Nasties! Our organization doesn't work without your help!