Wednesday July 11 - Melting in Shelby
Welcome to the summer quarter of East Nasty! We started our cycle of 12 runs again last week with a special holiday run of Route #1 on July 4th, and we'll keep going with #2 this week. Board members leading this quarter of Wednesday nights are Drew Jones, Meg Willoughby, and Duane. Look for them each week on the megaphone, making announcements, and getting the run going. The heat and humidity of Middle Tennessee summer is fully upon us, so be sure to keep hydrated well before, during, and after our runs!
Route #2
This week we continue our 12 week cycle with Route #2: ‘Round the Bird. We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group.
This run takes us into Shelby Park and is a figure-8 route that crosses over itself. Be sure to high five each other at the intersection! Shelby Park is our local treasure and it can get pretty busy with lots of groups and events making use of it. Please be extra courteous and share the roads and greenway with other runners, walkers, cyclists, and park goers. It is important for us to be good neighbors so we can continue to use the park.
It's HOT and we have 2 ways to help you cool off today. Be on the lookout for popsicles near the end of the run (Thanks to Dan and Drew Ann Borsos!) and after the run it's Pint Night at NRC!
Cup Cleaning Raffle
Sign up for cup cleaning volunteer raffle slots for this quarter! (Note: we need someone for tonight!)
Everyone that signs up for a week to clean the cups will be entered to win $100 gift card to NRC. The more you volunteer, the more chances you get to win. We will draw a winner at the end of every quarter – so you have a 1-in-13 chance to win if you volunteer, a 2-in-13 chance if you volunteer twice, etc. Big thanks to Schaffer Law Firm for sponsoring this program! Here’s how it works: 1) Sign up on the Google doc. 2) Take the cups home. 3) Wash them. 4) Post a pic on social media showing you washed them and tag our Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. 5) Bring the cups back to the run the next week.
East Nashville Tomato 5K
The East Nashville Tomato 5K is our ‘home race’ and every year East Nasty comes out in force. It’s also the 5K that our P2Ters train to run! The race is set for August 11th, 2018 (Tomato Fest day!) and registration is open. Details and registration here:
Calling for Volunteers! East Nasty Tomato Fest ‘Water Tent' Booth!
Saturday Aug 11th is Tomato Fest and one of the biggest days of the year for East Nashville and East Nasty! We will have a booth set up right in front of 3 Crow Bar and we will be serving free water to anyone who is thirsty during the Tomato Festival. It is our way of giving back to the community as a thanks for letting us run on the neighborhood streets. We need volunteers to work in 2 hour shifts. The volunteers will be passing out water, selling shirts, refilling coolers, getting ice, and spreading the East Nasty cheer. Sign up for a shift here! Be sure to wear your East Nasty shirt. Contact Jeremy Taylor for more details: