Wednesday Nov 7 - New Bike Lanes on Riverside

Route #6

This week is Route #6: Riverside. The way we run this route has changed due to the repaving and restriping on Riverside Drive. RUN IN THE NEW BIKE LANES on the right (inside) median - NOT ON THE LEFT shoulder where we usually have run. When running on streets with bike lanes but no sidewalks, runners may take the bike lane running into traffic when it is safer. But be prepared to yield to bikes - they have the right of way. Riverside also is one of the darker routes we run, so please remember to wear something that creates or reflects light!

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. No Pint Night at NRC this month, so bring a change of clothes (or not) – and head over to 3 Crow or one of the other local establishments for a drink and/or some dinner after the run.


ur Wednesday night runs can be a blast! Last week was a great example with all the kids and families out for Halloween. But when runs turn into parties, we all tend to get distracted and careless, and we do what the rest of the group is doing. EVERY runner must remember to respect traffic. This means using crosswalks, and each and every runner looking both ways for himself or herself before crossing. Shouting “car right” or “car left” helps keep other runners safe, too. Last week, crossing 5th was a problem. This week, we cross 11th from Holly to end the run. We’re all so happy to be done, that many times we forget to actually look before crossing 11th to the yellow house. Remember that is still a busy intersection and we do not have the right of way. Please be safe!

2019 Half and Full Marathon Training

Mark your calendars! East Nasty Half and Full Marathon training begins January 5th at 8:00 a.m.  This is a free training series designed to prepare you to run the Rock’n’Roll Nashville half or full marathon in April. Training is free and all paces are encouraged to join. Watch for registration information coming soon.





Wednesday Oct 31 - Halloween!

Route #5

This Wednesday is Halloween! It’s an exciting night to be around East Nashville. Five Points and many of the streets and sidewalks in and around the neighborhood will be PACKED with trick-or-treaters and parents in cars. It's fortunate Route #5: Walking Bridge is scheduled for this week - to help us avoid the busiest parts of the neighborhood during peak trick-or-treating time. That being said, we need you to be extra careful this week - watch out for little ghosts and goblins along our run. Be extra courteous to pedestrians on the sidewalks and motorists in the streets that we share the road with. Wear your lighted and reflective gear!

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group.

Pace Leaders Needed! 2019 Half Marathon Training 

Yes, it’s time to think about Spring Half and Full Marathon Training! Mark January 5th on your calendar and please consider signing up to help out as a pace leader. We need three more pace leaders for 2:10 and higher half marathon finish times and one full marathon pacer of any pace. Training runs will take place on Saturday mornings, and we do ask for an attendance commitment. For volunteering your time, East Nasty will cover your race entry fee, throw a bangin’ party the night of the race, and rumor has it that there will be additional swag just for pacers this year! It’s a great way to give back and make some new friends. Please email Patrick Sullivan at:  for more information or to sign up to pace.

If you are looking to train with us, watch this blog for details coming soon!

Save the Date

Our annual Holiday Party will be immediately after the run on Wednesday December 5th! Beer! Food! Fun! Stay tuned for more details...


Wednesday Oct 24 - Crisp and Cool

Route #4

The weather for running doesn't get much better than this. Join us this week we head back into Shelby Park for Route #4: The Big Shelby Loop. 99% percent of the time we need you to run on the left side of the road against traffic, but on this route it’s safer to run on the right side on Davidson Street once you’re in the park. When you make the right turn from Davidson to head up the Sevier/Naval hill, get back over to the left side of the road. One last time for the year we will be running near the East Nashville Farmer’s Market – please be extra courteous and share the roads and greenway with the families and kids that will be out there. It is important for us to be good neighbors so we can continue to use the park.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group.

Why We Start in Pace Groups

The primary reason we leave in pace groups is the gaps it creates between groups of runners. This helps with traffic flow at intersections and crossings - allowing cars and others to get through between our pace groups. We don’t want to be a parade! So, listen up for the your pace and start with that group, or wait for the next one. Please don’t start in between groups on your own. Our pace groups start at sub 8-min per mile and go in 30 second increments all the way to plus 10-min per mile.

Reflective and Lighted Gear

If you didn't wear your lighted gear last week, you will for sure need it this week – parts of Shelby Park get pretty dark. Please wear something that creates or reflects light on Wednesday evenings. Nashville Running Company has several options you can purchase if you’re in need of some gear.

NRC Brew Swap

In lieu of a Pint Night in November, our friends at Nashville Running Company will be hosting a Beer Swap this Monday, October 29, 2018 at 6 PM. One great thing about Fall/Halloween is all of the festive beer. What better way to try them than with a Beer Swap! Bring two bottles of your favorite Fall-inspired brew(s) to share with others. Halloween treats provided.

2019 Half Marathon Training: Pace Leaders Needed

Starting each January, Spring Half Marathon Training is one of the largest undertakings for East Nasty. And this year we’re bringing back Full Marathon training, too! To pull it off, we need your help. We’re looking for pace leaders for all groups between 1:40 and 2:30 half marathon times, and an additional full marathon pacer. If you feel comfortable pacing one of those groups, please consider volunteering your time. Being a great pacer involves not only leading your group at an assigned pace, but also helping your group achieve their race goals. It’s a time commitment, but is incredibly rewarding to see the folks you’ve worked with cross the finish line, many for the first time. Training runs will take place on Saturday mornings, and we do ask for an attendance commitment. For volunteering your time, East Nasty will cover your race entry fee, throw a bangin’ party the night of the race, and rumor has it that there will be additional swag just for pacers this year! It’s a great way to give back and make some new friends. Please email Patrick Sullivan at:  for more information or to sign up to pace.

If you are looking to train with us, watch this blog for details coming soon!




Wednesday Oct 17 - (Run) Walk Bike (Drink) Nashville

Route #3

This week is Route #3: Musica and features a good stretch on the (tricky to pronounce?) street named after Nashville’s ‘first citizen’: Timothy Demonbreun. This is an out and back route, so you can choose your mileage. It’s about 4 miles if you turn around right after crossing the pedestrian bridge. It’s about 5 miles if you turn around at Cummins Station. And it’s about 6.3 if you do the whole thing. This route is a great way to see downtown, but there are lots of intersections and traffic on this route. Please be especially courteous, use crosswalks, and obey traffic signals – don’t dart out into traffic!

The sun is setting as we begin our runs now, so you each need to be wearing something that creates or reflects light every Wednesday evening. Nashville Running Company is nearby and has several options you can purchase if you’re in need of some gear.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:30pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group.

Bonus Pint Night! Beer and Sidewalks

After the run this week, head over to our neighbors at Walk Bike Nashville for a (free) cold beer! They’re just a few doors down from NRC at 934 Woodland and have invited us to come over and get to know them better. They’ll have information about upcoming sidewalk and bike lane initiatives – specifically, proposed changes on Woodland that will affect us all.  Walk Bike Nashville is a non-profit organization working to build a more walkable (and runnable!), bikeable, and livable Nashville. On this week’s run, you will take advantage of  some of the improvements that Walk Bike Nashville lobbies hard to protect and improve, so stop by and hear what’s in store for the future. And don’t forget to lobby them to become  “RUN Bike Nashville”, at least for one night!

Cup Cleaning Volunteers Needed

We still need a few more volunteers to sign up for cup cleaning volunteer raffle slots for this quarter! Volunteer to help wash the cups!Everyone that signs up for a week to clean the cups will be entered to win $100 gift card to NRC. The more you volunteer, the more chances you get to win. We will draw a winner at the end of every quarter – so you have a 1-in-13 chance to win if you volunteer, a 2-in-13 chance if you volunteer twice, etc. Big thanks to Schaffer Law Firm for sponsoring this program! Here’s how it works: 1) Sign up on the Google doc. 2) Take the cups home. 3) Wash them. 4) Post a pic on social media showing you washed them and tag our FacebookInstagram, or Twitter. 5) Bring the cups back to the run the next week.

Wednesday Oct 10 - "Remember, Red, hope is a good thing."

Route #2

This week we continue our 12 week cycle with Route #2: ‘Round the Bird. We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group.

This run takes us into Shelby Park and is a figure-8 route that crosses over itself. Be sure to high five each other at the intersection! Shelby Park is our local treasure and it can get pretty busy with lots of groups and events making use of it, including the Farmer's Market. Please be extra courteous and share the roads and greenway with other runners, walkers, cyclists, and park goers. It is important for us to be good neighbors so we can continue to use the park.

Cup Cleaning Raffle

Sign up for cup cleaning volunteer raffle slots for this quarter! We need need volunteers! You can win $100 gift card from NRC! Volunteer to help wash the cups!

Hope and Possibility Race

Amy Harris, Executive Director for Achilles Nashville will be sharing about the upcoming Hope & Possibility 5 miler on Saturday, 10/20. The Hope and Possibility® is the signature race of Achilles International, an international 501(c)3 that brings together able-bodied runners with athletes with disabilities, welcoming all to the wonderful world of athletics. There's a 5 mile and 1 mile race. The race is coming up on October 20th! East Nasties Can get $5 off registration by using the code EastNasty18. Register at:

Walk Bike Nashville Open House / Keg Night

Walk Bike Nashville, our neighbors on Woodland, would like to get to know us better, so they’ve invited us to an open house just for East Nasty. After the run on October 17th, Come by 934 Woodland for a cold beer or two and to hear about upcoming sidewalk and bike lane initiatives – specifically, proposed changes on Woodland that will affect us all. Walk Bike Nashville is a non-profit organization working to build a more walkable (and runnable!), bikeable, and livable Nashville. If you’ve been to Tour de Nash, Open Streets Nashville, Golden Pheasant Triathlon, or have used new sidewalks or bike lanes, then you’ve benefited from the work done by Walk Bike Nashville.

Spring Half and Full Marathon Training

Prices are already going up for Spring races, so it’s not too early to think about committing. East Nasty Half and Full Marathon Training will begin the first week of January. Yes, FULL marathon training is back this year! Look for registration information soon for both distances. If you’re planning to run the Rock’n’Roll Nashville race on April 27th, be sure and use the East Nasty discount code ENASTY19 for $10 off all distances.

Wednesday Oct 3 - Back at One

Welcome to the fall quarter of East Nasty! Brian McKnight reminds us "If ever I believe my work is done, then I'll start back at one." So after crushing The Nasty last Wednesday, we start our cycle of 12 runs all over again this week with Route #1. Board members leading this quarter of Wednesday nights are Kevin Howard, Donica Elliot, and President Jeremy Taylor. Look for them each week making announcements and getting the run going. With the days growing shorter, it's time to start wearing lighted and reflective gear on our evening runs.

Route #1

Back to the beginning of our 12 week cycle with Route #1: One Hilly 5(ish)K. (It’s actually not quite a 5K, but just 3 miles. Thus the “ish”) We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine. This is a great week to invite someone new! If you do, encourage them to READ HERE for info on how our Wednesday night runs work. Remember to park smart - don't leave anything valuable in your car, don't block any driveways, or park too close to fire hydrants or corners.  After the run, it should be a great night to recover with...

Pint Night at NRC!

It’s the first Wednesday of the month – which means it’s Pint Night at Nashville Running Company! Free beer and 10% off everything in the store located at 820 Woodland Street. There's often some cool vendors set up there with info and/or treats, too.

Cup Cleaning Raffle

We will have our Q3 Summer Quarter Cup Cleaning Volunteer Raffle before the run this Wednesday. Our Fall Quarter Volunteer Raffle sign up is open and we need volunteers! Volunteer to help wash the cups!Everyone that signs up for a week to clean the cups will be entered to win $100 gift card to NRC. The more you volunteer, the more chances you get to win. We will draw a winner at the end of every quarter – so you have a 1-in-13 chance to win if you volunteer, a 2-in-13 chance if you volunteer twice, etc. Big thanks to Schaffer Law Firm for sponsoring this program! Here’s how it works: 1) Sign up on the Google doc. 2) Take the cups home. 3) Wash them. 4) Post a pic on social media showing you washed them and tag our FacebookInstagram, or Twitter. 5) Bring the cups back to the run the next week.

Doing Your Part

As we start a new season, It's important to remember that running with 200 people is different than running on your own. We need you to pay attention during our brief announcements. We need to you to be safe, courteous, and MINDFUL during the run. Leave one ear open if you run with headphones. Run on the sidewalks or to the far left side of the road - never in the middle of the road. Cross the street only in crosswalks and intersections - never in the middle of the road. Stop at stoplights and to slow down and use caution at intersections. Be respectful and courteous to other runners, cyclists, and motorists that we share the road with. We need you to do these things for your safety, the safety of your fellow runners, and to help the club maintain its mission of being a positive force in the community and not a burden to it. Our club's safety, reputation, and standing in the community is a responsibility you share in. If you see someone out of line on the run - call them out on it! Veterans, remember that new people are looking to you - be mindful of that and set a good example.

East Nasty is a 100% volunteer run group. No one gets paid. We are all here for the same reasons you are. To have fun, stay active, and get in a great run with friends. We love our neighborhood, and we exist to make East Nashville a great place to live and run, and to make running accessible to everyone in our community. We must each do our part. ENFL!

Wednesday Sept 26 - The Nasty

Route #12: The Nasty

It's that time again! This week we culminate our 12 run series with our signature run: Route #12: The Nasty! 6 miles of the worst best hills in East Nashville. You get our famous sticker when you complete the run! If you need a little shorter run, you can run ‘Nasty Lite’ – a 3.7 mile run – but, there’s no sticker reward.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:30pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. Remember we share the roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars – please, stay on the sidewalks or to the far left on the road, obey traffic signals and stop signs, and cross only in marked crosswalks.

Lighted and Reflective Gear

This week is the first week of Fall and it will be dark before the end of the run tonight. It's time to start wearing something that creates or reflects light on Wednesday evenings. Its pretty dark in parts of Shelby Park. Nashville Running Company is right around the corner from our meeting spot and has several options you can purchase if you’re in need of some gear.

Wednesday RunsDuane Stephenson
Wednesday Sept 19 - Running For A Cause

Route #11

This week is Route #11 – The Church Run. East Nashville is one of the oldest communities in Nashville with many historic buildings dating back to the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Some of the most beautiful architecture is highlighted in the churches – and we pass around 15 of them on this route.  It’s a great week to invite new runners and beginners – because you can easily stop after just 2 miles of the first loop of the figure 8.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. If you are a run/walker and want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. Remember we share the roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars – please, stay on the sidewalks or to the far left on the road, obey traffic signals and stop signs, and cross only in marked crosswalks. Help us be good neighbors to the community!

Pancreatic Cancer 5K

Reps from the Pancreatic Cancer 5k will be onsite tonight to get you signed up for that race on September 29th. Register at:

Nashville AIDS Walk & 5K Run

The 27th Annual Nashville AIDS Walk and 5K Run is a family-friendly event that has raised more than $3 million to help end the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Middle Tennessee. On October 6th, hundreds of supporters will gather in Public Square Park to bring awareness and celebrate all of the great work of Nashville CARES. Highlights include: Downtown course, chip timed run, tshirt, community fair, Kids Fun Zone, awards for top racers and fundraisers, and new this year a one mile fun run! Register at: EAST NASTY RUNNERS receive $5 off entry fee when using promo code EASTNASTY at checkout! That makes the 5K just $25!

Wednesday RunsDuane Stephenson
Wednesday Sept 12 - Rock'n'Roll Discount Codes

Route #10

Tonight is Route #10: Electric Slide. This route is awesome with one of the w̶o̶r̶s̶t̶ greatest hills in East Nashville - but you need to be extra cautious at one particular intersection. Right before the three mile mark, you turn left onto 14th from Sevier. Before you turn left onto 14th from Sevier, you need to STOP, look for traffic, then cross the street and RUN ON THE SIDEWALK on the RIGHT SIDE of 14th. BE VERY CAREFUL CROSSING 14th! For those of you who know the area, make sure you alert those around you.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. Remember we share the roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars – please help us be good neighbors!

Rock'n'Roll Nashville and VEGAS Discounts!

Who doesn’t LOVE a good discount code!?! Here are two for you:

First, if you’re planning to do the Nashville Rock’n’Roll Half or Full Marathon on April 27th 2019, registration is open and our discount code is ENASTY19. It’s good for $10 off registration for all distances and can be used through 4/21/2019. Planning is underway for our annual training program to begin again in January 2019!

Anybody doing Las Vegas on November 11th 2018? Rock’n’Roll has also provided a discount code for that event and an invitation to participate in their Run Club Challenge. The discount code is EASTNASTY10, good for $10 off the marathon, half or 10k. It's good regardless of whether a group participates or not, but they’re also providing one complimentary registration for every ten using the code plus a few other perks for groups. Board member Kevin Howard has more information, so if anyone is planning on participating, email him at 

Wednesday RunsDuane Stephenson
Wednesday Sept 5 - Titans Stadium and Pint Night!


Route #9

September means it's football time! This week is Route #9: Nissan Stadium – home to your Tennessee Titans! Please be sure to cross 10th street at the stop-sign and crosswalk at 10th & Fatherland. The increase in density and parking on 10th has made visibility much more difficult – so we need you to be sure to stop at the stop sign, use the crosswalk, and absolutely not cross in the middle of the road. Check out the route map on Strava:

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. Remember we share the roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars – please help us be good neighbors!

Pint Night!

It’s the first Wednesday of the month – which means it’s Pint Night at Nashville Running Company! Free beer and 10% off everything in the store located at 820 Woodland Street. Tonight’s route conveniently runs right past NRC – or maybe just to it. No judgement 🙂

Wednesday August 29 - AmazonSmile!

Route #8

A double dose of Route #8 this month! When we created this route way back in 2009 it really did run past a store called 'Rick's Market' and it's sign very proudly proclaimed "Coldest beer in town!". But, like so many other things that have changed in our neighborhood this has too. Rick’s is actually home to Roy Meats Service now - a great neighborhood butcher shop. Pick up some steaks or chops, or put in a special order for your favorite cut. I had a great ribeye just this week.

Route safety note: please be careful right at the corner of Lillian and 14th - watch out for car traffic coming over the hill on 14th (they don't have a stop sign) that may not see pedestrians very well. Remember to be constantly aware of your surroundings. If you must run with headphones, keep one ear open. But the safest thing is to ditch the headphones and partner up with another runner or 2. Pass the miles with a conversation during your run keeping your eyes and ears open. Look out for each other, don’t leave anyone out on their own!

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group.

Amazon Smile!

You can now select East Nasty as your charity of choice through your Amazon account via Amazon Smile and automatically donate to the club every time you shop on Amazon!

Link to regicter your Smile account to East Nasty: 

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. Every item available for purchase on is also available on AmazonSmile ( at the same price. You will see eligible products marked "Eligible for AmazonSmile donation" on their product detail pages. For more information about the AmazonSmile program, go to

Use the link above to select us as your charity, and shop at (instead of just and help support the club!


Wednesday Aug 22 - Run Safe, Run Together

Route #7

This week we run through one of East Nashville’s most eclectic areas: Route #7: Little Hollywood. . The unique Spanish architecture makes this area unlike anything else in East Nashville. Read about it’s history and join us for a run tonight.

Lots of turns on this route. For everyone’s safety, PLEASE always stay on the left and cross the street ONLY AT INTERSECTIONS. Don’t run in the middle of the road or cross the road before you get to an intersection! Please obey the traffic signal and cross in the crosswalk at the traffic light at Eastland and Chapel (near Rosepepper Cantina)! After the traffic signal, stay on the far left and stay single file over the bridge. Once you cross the gully, there will be a bike lane and then a sidewalk.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group.


It's been a hard and tragic week in our neighborhood. A good time for this reminder: just because you're running with a big group doesn't mean you shouldn't be constantly aware of your surroundings. If you must run with headphones, keep one ear open. But the safest thing is to ditch the headphones and partner up with another runner or 2. Pass the miles with a conversation during your run keeping your eyes and ears open. Look out for each other, don't leave anyone out on their own, and as a good friend of mine always says, "keep your wits about you!"


Post Tomato Fest Summer and Fall Wednesdays draw some of our biggest crowds. We love seeing all of your faces! A large crew means that parking in 5 Points gets to be tight for everyone - we are not the only group in 5 Points on Wednesday evenings. Your best bet is to get here as early as you can, and/or use our super secret parking location at East End UMC (but remember you need to be out by 8:00pm). Park smart - don't leave any valuables visible in your car. Lock 'em up in the trunk. Try to carpool if you can, or better yet, just run over if you live here on the east side. We’re asking specifically that you try to avoid parking in front of Fanny’s House of Music (just across the street from where we meet) – parents are often picking up and dropping off kids for music classes. It’s part of our effort to be good neighbors!