Welcome to the fall quarter of East Nasty! After crushing The Nasty last Wednesday, we start our cycle of 12 runs all over again this week with Route #1. Board members leading this quarter of Wednesday nights are President Jeremy Taylor and Rachel Lawson. Look for them each week making announcements and getting the run going. With the days growing shorter, it's time to start thinking about wearing lighted and reflective gear on our evening runs.
Route #1
Back to the beginning of our 12 week cycle with Route #1: One Hilly 5(ish)K. (It’s actually not quite a 5K, but just 3 miles. Thus the “ish”) We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine. This is a great week to invite someone new! If you do, encourage them to READ HERE for info on how our Wednesday night runs work. After the run, it should be a great night to recover with...
Pint Night at VERTICITY!
Our new neighbors just around the corner, VERTICITY indoor cycling studio (on Russell between 10th and 11th) are hosting all of our runners this week for Pint Night after our run! Stop by their studio for a free beer and meet their awesome team of "Pack Leaders!" Remember, they donate a portion of the funds from their 5:00PM Wednesday ride every week to support what we do! Feel free to ask about their First Ride Free, sign up for a class, or just thank them for their support of our mission and our beloved East Nashville community.
Cup Cleaning Raffle
Congrats to Haley - our Summer Quarter Cup Cleaning Volunteer Raffle Winner! Our Fall Quarter Volunteer Raffle sign up is open and we need volunteers! Everyone that signs up for a week to clean the cups will be entered to win $100 gift card to NRC. The more you volunteer, the more chances you get to win. We will draw a winner at the end of every quarter – so you have a 1-in-12 chance to win if you volunteer, a 2-in-12 chance if you volunteer twice, etc. Big thanks to Schaffer Law Firm for sponsoring this program! Here’s how it works: 1) Sign up on the Google doc. 2) Take the cups home. 3) Wash them. 4) Post a pic on social media showing you washed them and tag our Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. 5) Bring the cups back to the run the next week.
Doing Your Part
As we start a new season, It's important to remember that running with 200 people is different than running on your own. We need you to run on the sidewalks or to the far left side of the road - never in the middle of the road. We need you to cross the street only in crosswalks and intersections - never in the middle of the road. We need you to stop at stoplights and to slow down and use caution at intersections. We need you to be respectful and courteous to other runners, cyclists, and motorists that we share the road with. We need you to do these things for your safety, the safety of your fellow runners, and to help the club maintain its mission of being a positive force in the community and not a burden to it. Our club's safety, reputation, and standing in the community is a responsibility you share in. If you see someone out of line on the run - call them out on it! Veterans, remember that new people are looking to you - be mindful of that and set a good example.
East Nasty is a 100% volunteer run group. No one gets paid. We are all here for the same reasons you are. To have fun, stay active, and get in a great run with friends. We love our neighborhood, and we exist to make East Nashville a great place to live and run, and to make running accessible to everyone in our community. We must each do our part. ENFL!