Posts in Wednesday Runs
Wednesday Sept 13 - Turning Seasons

Welcome to the fall quarter of East Nasty! After crushing The Nasty last Wednesday, we start our cycle of 12 runs all over again this week with Route #1. Board members leading this quarter of Wednesday nights are President Jeremy Taylor and Rachel Lawson. Look for them each week making announcements and getting the run going. With the days growing shorter, it's time to start thinking about wearing lighted and reflective gear on our evening runs.

Route #1

Back to the beginning of our 12 week cycle with Route #1: One Hilly 5(ish)K. (It’s actually not quite a 5K, but just 3 miles. Thus the “ish”) We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine. This is a great week to invite someone new! If you do, encourage them to READ HERE for info on how our Wednesday night runs work. After the run, it should be a great night to recover with...

Pint Night at VERTICITY!

Our new neighbors just around the corner, VERTICITY indoor cycling studio (on Russell between 10th and 11th) are hosting all of our runners this week for Pint Night after our run! Stop by their studio for a free beer and meet their awesome team of "Pack Leaders!" Remember, they donate a portion of the funds from their 5:00PM Wednesday ride every week to support what we do! Feel free to ask about their First Ride Free, sign up for a class, or just thank them for their support of our mission and our beloved East Nashville community.


Cup Cleaning Raffle

Congrats to Haley - our Summer Quarter Cup Cleaning Volunteer Raffle Winner! Our Fall Quarter Volunteer Raffle sign up is open and we need volunteers! Volunteer to help wash the cups!Everyone that signs up for a week to clean the cups will be entered to win $100 gift card to NRC. The more you volunteer, the more chances you get to win. We will draw a winner at the end of every quarter – so you have a 1-in-12 chance to win if you volunteer, a 2-in-12 chance if you volunteer twice, etc. Big thanks to Schaffer Law Firm for sponsoring this program! Here’s how it works: 1) Sign up on the Google doc. 2) Take the cups home. 3) Wash them. 4) Post a pic on social media showing you washed them and tag our FacebookInstagram, or Twitter. 5) Bring the cups back to the run the next week.

Doing Your Part

As we start a new season, It's important to remember that running with 200 people is different than running on your own. We need you to run on the sidewalks or to the far left side of the road - never in the middle of the road. We need you to cross the street only in crosswalks and intersections - never in the middle of the road. We need you to stop at stoplights and to slow down and use caution at intersections. We need you to be respectful and courteous to other runners, cyclists, and motorists that we share the road with. We need you to do these things for your safety, the safety of your fellow runners, and to help the club maintain its mission of being a positive force in the community and not a burden to it. Our club's safety, reputation, and standing in the community is a responsibility you share in. If you see someone out of line on the run - call them out on it! Veterans, remember that new people are looking to you - be mindful of that and set a good example.

East Nasty is a 100% volunteer run group. No one gets paid. We are all here for the same reasons you are. To have fun, stay active, and get in a great run with friends. We love our neighborhood, and we exist to make East Nashville a great place to live and run, and to make running accessible to everyone in our community. We must each do our part. ENFL!

Wednesday RunsDuane Stephenson
PR Bandits Saturday Morning Run – 12 in 12 South

East Nasty is partnering with the ‘PR Bandits’ again in 2017 who are hosting supported long runs on Saturday mornings. Why are we starting at 6am again this Saturday, September 9th? 12 South is our highest attended run time after time and we want to keep you all safe by getting out there before the traffic.

Back by popular demand, we will have Dollar Donation Day this weekend. If you enjoy running with us and the support of fluids on course, please bring a dollar to donate. It's certainly not required but is appreciated. I cover the costs of hydration, ice, cups, and garbage bags each week. One dollar from each of you goes a long way in supporting this group.

Starting and finishing at the Sevier Park Shelter, this run brings you into both Oak Hills and Green Hills, and then down Belmont Blvd and into the city for the longer run. We offer two distance options, and even though it is not an out-and-back, you can modify this run to your liking. Though there are several lots throughout the park, parking where we meet fills up fast. Show up early so you have plenty of time to park and start with the group.

8mi - 12mi -

RSVP here and join the PR Bandits Facebook Group for more info, get run invites, and to link up with other runners. Saturday supported runs will be held at various favorite running routes across Nashville.

Wednesday Sept 6 - Run, Help, & Drink

This week: run The Nasty, get the sticker, help out some 4-legged flood victims, and share a pint with your pals - can't ask for a better East Nashville night than that. Read on...

Route #12: The Nasty

Here we are once again. This week we culminate our 12 run series with our signature run: Route #12: The Nasty! 6 miles of the worst best hills in East Nashville. You get our famous bumper sticker when you complete the run! If you need a little shorter run, you can run ‘Nasty Lite’ – a 3.7 mile run – but, there’s no sticker reward.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:30pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. Remember we share the roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars – please, stay on the sidewalks or to the far left on the road, obey traffic signals and stop signs, and cross only in marked crosswalks.

Upper 60s and low humidity - should be a beautiful night for a run! We will do our Cup Cleaning Raffle drawing for this quarter right before the run – thanks to all of you cup cleaning volunteers! And be sure to say thanks to East Nasty Board Members Meg, Drew, and Duane for hosting this quarter of Wednesday nights!

Harvey Relief at 3 Crow - Bottled Water and Pet Supplies

3 Crow Bar, in partnership with Fox Moving and Storage - Nashville, will be collecting donations for Lone Star Flood Relief this Wednesday and Thursday. The 3 Crow location is collecting only bottled water and pet supplies. You can drop off water and pet supplies (such as dog and cat food, cat litter, crates, blankets, toys) at the Fox Moving and Storage truck parked in the 3 Crow Bar parking lot before or after the run!

Pint Night at NRC

Not only is it The Nasty this week, but it's also the first Wednesday of the month - which means Pint Night at Nashville Running Company. Drop off your donation, finish the run, get your sticker, then head over to NRC for a well earned pint from Yazoo Brewing CompanyTopgolf Nashville will be in store discussing their new location opening here in Nashville this handing out cool swag! Also on hand, Pet Community Center will be promoting their walk/run teams raising money to end pet homelessness! More info here:

PR Bandits Saturday Morning Run – Grassland

East Nasty is partnering with the ‘PR Bandits’ again in 2017 who are hosting supported long runs on Saturday mornings. One of our most scenic routes, and with so many Bandits requesting longer options this coming Saturday, 9/2, this is the best we have. We will be starting from the Grassland Middle School parking lot off of Hillsboro Rd at 6:00am. We will continue the 6:00am starts for two more weeks given the long distance many people are going.

This route is an out and back run, offering rolling hills, horse farms and amazing 'Nashville Country' views. Hydration is located at mile 3, and a church with bathrooms at 5 miles, giving a perfect 10 mile (or maybe its 11) out and back. Some people may choose to go long and do 10 miles before turning back, but 6, 8, 10, or even additonal mile options are just as beautiful. All speeds are welcome, and we will have groups of varying distance so no one should have to run alone! If you have not run this route, this is a run you should not miss!

Up to 20mi -

RSVP here and join the PR Bandits Facebook Group for more info, get run invites, and to link up with other runners. Saturday supported runs will be held at various favorite running routes across Nashville.

Wednesday August 30 - Churches, Heroes, Crows

Route #11

This week is Route #11 – The Church Run. Named so because of the dozen plus church buildings we pass on this route. Look up along the way and enjoy some of the architecture and historic buildings. It’s a great week to invite new runners and beginners – because you can easily stop after just 2 miles of the first loop of the figure 8.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. If you are a run/walker and want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. Remember we share the roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars – please, stay on the sidewalks or to the far left on the road, obey traffic signals and stop signs, and cross only in marked crosswalks. Help us be good neighbors and reflect our club well to the community!

Heroes 6K

The 2017 Heroes in Recovery 6K is Saturday Sept 9th in Leiper's Fork. East Nasty has a history of supporting the Heroes 6k - both in participation and volunteering! The charity beneficiary for this race is The Next Door - an organization focused on enabling transformation in the lives of women in crisis. At The Next Door, the people, the program, and the place all contribute to helping women who are re-entering society after incarceration, rehabilitation or homelessness. For the 6th year, East Nasty coaches have been helping train the clients at The Next Door in preparation for the race! You can find out more and register (or volunteer!) for the race at their website:  Use discount code ENFL2017 for $6 off registration - that makes the race cost less than $30! Finisher medals, cash awards, and a great cause! Do it!

3 Crow Bar

Did you know that we originally started running on Wednesday evenings (as opposed to another day of the week) is because 3 Crow Bar has always had a 2-for-1 special on Wednesdays? It's true! And did you know that the 3 Crow ownership has been by far our largest single donor each year? Also true! We are really grateful for that and value our continuing relationship with our favorite local bar. So, this week when you head over to 3CB for a post run pint, be patient, be extra kind to the staff, and tip well! We're a much much bigger group than when we started (with just a dozen runners in 2008), and it can get a little busy on Wednesdays right after the run - but Maha and the staff continue to welcome us and work hard for us every Wednesday night! Let's be sure to show 'em some love.


PR Bandits Saturday Morning Run – NRC to Bongo

East Nasty is partnering with the ‘PR Bandits’ again in 2017 who are hosting supported long runs on Saturday mornings. Is there anything better than when you mix running and coffee (preferably in that order), well yes there is! It is running, coffee, and special deals at Nashville Running Company, which will be open early for the PR Bandits! Make sure to stop by, and pick up what you need for you’re up coming races and continued training following our run. There will be exclusive sales just for you!

Saturday, August 26th, we will be meeting at 6am at Nashville Running Company, just down the street from the normal ENFL - Yellow House meeting spot. (Please don't park at the post office or along the building!) Our run is an out and back, turning around at the Belmont Bongo, offering us 10-miles. If you want to extend, you can continue your run down Belmont and enjoy the many tree-lined streets of Nashville's SW neighborhoods. If you want a little less, turnaround at any time.

Hydration will be located at the Musica roundabout, and start/finish. We look forward to having everyone out for one of our last few 6am starts. In the coming weeks, please watch the time, as we will need to move back the start due to sunrise.

Please review the course map linked below. Look forward to seeing everyone Saturday Morning.

10mi -

RSVP here and join the PR Bandits Facebook Group for more info, get run invites, and to link up with other runners. Saturday supported runs will be held at various favorite running routes across Nashville.

Wednesday August 23 - Gonna rock down to...

Route #10

Tonight is Route #10: Electric Slide. This route is awesome (with one of the greatest hills in East Nashville) but you need to be extra cautious at one particular intersection. Right before the three mile mark, you turn left onto 14th from Sevier. Before you turn left onto 14th from Sevier, you need to STOP, look for traffic, then cross the street and RUN ON THE SIDEWALK on the RIGHT SIDE of 14th. BE VERY CAREFUL CROSSING 14th! For those of you who know the area, make sure you alert those around you.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. If you are a run/walker and want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. Remember we share the roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars – please, stay on the sidewalks or to the far left on the road, obey traffic signals and stop signs, and cross only in marked crosswalks. Help us be good neighbors and reflect our club well to the community!


Just because you're running with a big group doesn't mean you shouldn't be constantly aware if your surroundings. If you run with headphones, keep one ear open. Better yet, ditch the headphones and partner up with another runner or 2 and have a conversation during your run. Look out for each other, don't leave anyone out on their own, and as a good friend of mine always says, "keep your wits about you!"


Post Tomato Fest Summer and Fall Wednesdays draw some of our biggest crowds. We love seeing all of your faces! A large crew means that parking in 5 Points gets to be tight. It get tight for everyone - we are not the only group in 5 Points on Wednesday evenings. Your best bet is to get here as early as you can, and/or use our super secret parking location at East End UMC (but remember you need to be out by 8:00pm). Prk smart - don't leave any valuables visible in your car. Lock 'em up in the trunk. Try to carpool if you can, or better yet, just run over if you live here on the east side. We’re asking specifically that you try to avoid parking in front of Fanny’s House of Music (just across the street from where we meet) – parents are often picking up and dropping off kids for music classes. It’s part of our effort to be good neighbors!

East Nasties in the Spotlight...

One of the OG East Nasties, and ENOW #2, David Cañas turns 50 today! And check out this great article from REI about Board Member Beth Meadows! Keep being awesome Nasties!


Wednesday August 16 - Run This Town

Route #9

This week is Route #9: Nissan StadiumPlease be sure to cross 10th street at the crosswalk at 10th & Fatherland. The increase in construction and parking on 10th has made visibility much more difficult – so we need you to be sure to use the crosswalk and absolutely not cross in the middle of the road. Please? Ok? We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. Remember we share the roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars – please, stay on the sidewalks or to the far left on the road, obey traffic signals and stop signs, and cross only in marked crosswalks. Help us be good neighbors!

Lasty Nasty

We are so proud of our Potato-to-Tomato graduates! They crushed the Tomato 5K on Saturday and officially join us as full Nasties this week! That also means that our Lasty Nasty Group is back! If you are a little slower runner or a run/walker and want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join the Lasties. They run the same route the main group does, but just get a bit of a head start.


Tonight we will run right past our new partner VERTICITY Indoor Cycling Studio at Russell and 10th. Just a reminder that each week their Wednesday 5PM ride will be dedicated to East Nasty, where $2 for every rider will be coming our way to support us as we continue to make East Nashville a great place to live and run, and to make running accessible to everyone in our community. Sign up here each week for their Wednesday 5pm rides (your first ride is free!), and come along to our Wednesday run with their “pack” afterward!

'Run This Town' Nashville Premiere

Fleet Feet Sports brand new web-based running series, Run This Town, chronicles running cultures all over the country. The shows host, Ashley Arnold - a writer and competitive runner -explores each destination through the lens of the local running tribe. The Nashville episode will premier at the Belcourt on August 22nd! The episode features multiple run clubs, including East Nasty! See what makes Nashville's running community so great! Doors at 7:00, Film at 7:30 PM. Tickets are $15 and can be bought at HERE. Here's the trailer. Join the Facebook Event HERE.

New Shirts and Tanks

If you missed out on picking up one of our new t-shirts or tanks at Tomato Fest, we have just a handful left and will be having a quick pop-up sale at Nashville Running Company before the run tonight.

Wednesday Aug 9 - P2T Graduation!

Apologies for the late post. It's been a busy week here at East Nasty HQ. It's a big night tonight. Hope to see you there!

Route #8

Tonight is Route #8: Rick’s Market.  We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. Remember we share the roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars – please help us be good neighbors!

Welcome our newest East Nasties!

The week is a big week for East Nasty. Not only is it Tomato Festival week, but tonight we welcome the newest bunch of graduates from our Potato-to-Tomato program!  It's very exciting, and we will have  an extra large group this week - which means parking is gonna be tight. So get here early, and/or use our super secret parking location at East End UMC (but remember you need to be out by 8:00pm). We're asking specifically that you avoid parking in Fanny's House of Music - the P2Ters will be congregating there, as well as parents picking up and dropping off kids for music classes. It's part of our effort to be good neighbors!

Tomato Festival

Come out this weekend and join 30,000+ of your best friends at the annual Tomato Festival! This is one of the very best days in East Nashville. We will have a booth located right at 11th and Woodland directly in front of 3 Crow Bar where we will be unveiling our 2017 shirts and tanks for purchase! We still have some slots we need volunteers for - sign-up to help out for a 2 hour shift on this Google sheet.

Tomato 5K

It's not too late to sign for the YMCA Tomato 5K. Do it! Register at this link.


PR Bandits Saturday Morning Run – Downtown Tour

East Nasty is partnering with the ‘PR Bandits’ again in 2017 who are hosting supported long runs on Saturday mornings. Let's run Nashville! This route will not take away from enjoying the views and the hills that Nashville offers. New for 2017 - we will meet at East Park to avoid complications around Nissan Stadium and start at 6am this Saturday, 8/5. With Nashville being the "It City" these days, who knows what we may find around town. While the route is a 9.7mi loop, there will be opportunities to cut it shorter.

9.7mi -

RSVP here and join the PR Bandits Facebook Group for more info, get run invites, and to link up with other runners. Saturday supported runs will be held at various favorite running routes across Nashville.

Wednesday August 2 - RIDExRUN

Lots of info this week. Be sure to read all the way through!

Route #7

Tonight we run Route #7: Little Hollywood. Lots of turns on this route. For everyones safety, PLEASE always stay on the left and cross the street ONLY AT INTERSECTIONS – never in the middle of the road! Note: when you are running on Eastland, stay on the far left and stay single file over the bridge. Once you cross the gully, there will be a bike lane and then a sidewalk.

A quick note about pace groups...

The primary reason we leave in pace groups is the gaps it creates between groups of runners. This helps with traffic flow at intersections and crossings allowing cars and others to get through between our pace groups. We don't want to be a parade! So, listen up for the your pace and start with that group, or wait for the next one. Please don't start in between groups on your own. Remember, our pace groups start at sub 8-min and go all the way to plus 10-min.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, heat or cold. You can READ HERE for more info on how our Wednesday night runs work.  If you are a run/walker, check out our Lasty Nasty group on Facebook to see if anyone is meeting early to run/walk. Most of that group is participating in, or volunteer coaching, our P2T Couch-to-5K program.


Our new neighbors in Five Points, VERTICITY indoor cycling studio, have a very similar mission to ours. They love to #lovelocal, celebrate the power of community, and believe that sweat is necessary for a healthy body and a full life. Plus they love to run! We're excited to announce that starting this week, their Wednesday 5PM ride will be dedicated to East Nasty, where $2 for every rider will be coming our way to support us as we continue to make East Nashville a great place to live and run, and to make running accessible to everyone in our community. Sign up here each week for their Wednesday 5pm rides (your first ride is free!), and come along to our Wednesday run with their "pack" afterward!

Hoka Wear Test and Pint Night

Nashville Running Company is having a Hoka One One Clifton 4 wear test tonight. They will have the Clifton 4 available at 5:15pm to wear for the run. It's the first Wednesday of the month which means it's Pint Night after the run!

East Nasty Triathlon Kits

While at NRC, tonight is your last chance to get fitted for our very limited run of East Nasty branded triathlon and cycling gear from Nimblewear USA ( Read THIS POST for more info. Details on how to order will be coming soon, but if you have questions in the meantime, please email Jeremy Taylor at

Tomato 5K

Be sure to sign up for our ‘homecoming’ race – the YMCA Tomato 5K on August 12th. Hundreds of Nasties run this race each year and it kicks off one of the best days of the summer – the annual East Nashville Tomato Art Festival!

Calling Volunteers! East Nasty Tomato Fest ‘Water Tent’ Booth!

From 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday Aug 12th. East Nasty will have a booth set up right in front of 3 Crow Bar and we will be serving free water to anyone who is thirsty during the Tomato Art Festival and selling our new 2017 merch. It is our way of giving back to the community as a thanks for letting us run on the neighborhood streets. We need volunteers to work in 2 hour shifts. The volunteers will be passing out water, selling shirts, refilling coolers, getting ice, and spreading the East Nasty cheer. Sign up for a shift here! Be sure to wear your East Nasty shirt. Contact Sarah Brown for more details:


East Nasty Tri and Cycling Kits!

By popular demand, there will be a very limited run of East Nasty branded triathlon and cycling gear. The design is in the works, but it will be awesome and will let you show off your East Nasty pride as you crush races and rides from Shelby Park to Ironman Worlds. Check out Nimblewear USA at to see the available items in the Triathlon and Cycling sections. A set of men’s and women’s tri kits will be available at Nashville Running Company to try on now through Wednesday August 2nd. Details on ordering are being finalized, but what we do know is that the kits will disappear by noon on August 3rd, so go by and find your size. Cycling apparel listed on the Nimblewear site is also available for order and will have the same design, but will not be available to try on. Pricing for each piece will be determined in part by the number of items ordered, but should not exceed the single quantity price listed on the web site. Items will be made to order only, and no extras will be ordered.

Details on the design and how to order will be coming soon, but if you have questions in the meantime, please email Jeremy Taylor at