Posts in Wednesday Runs
Wednesday May 31 - Run With Us

Your Nashville Predators are in the Stanley Cup Final! Can you believe it?! Tonight, run with us then stand with them! And do it in our extremely limited edition new 'East Smashville' East Nasty T-shirt...

Route #10

Tonight is Route #10: Electric Slide. This route is awesome (with one of the greatest hills in East Nashville) but you need to be extra cautious at one particular intersection. Right before the three mile mark, you turn left onto 14th from Sevier. Before you turn left onto 14th from Sevier, you need to STOP, look for traffic, then cross the street and RUN ON THE SIDEWALK on the RIGHT SIDE of 14th. BE VERY CAREFUL CROSSING 14th! For those of you who know the area, make sure you alert those around you.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. If you are a run/walker and want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. Remember we share the roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars – please, stay on the sidewalks or to the far left on the road, obey traffic signals and stop signs, and cross only in marked crosswalks. Help us be good neighbors and reflect our club well to the community!

'East Smashville' T-Shirt!

After the run, watch Game 2 of the Stanley Cup Finals in our brand new Tshirt. This is an extremely limited edition - we only made a handful of these. The only way to get one is to show up to the run tonight - first come, first served. No holds. $20 each - cash or charge. Go Preds!

Wednesday May 24 - Potatoes, Tomatoes, and Tacos

Route #9

This week is Route #9: Nissan Stadium. Please be sure to cross 10th street at the crosswalk at 10th & Fatherland. The increase in construction and parking on 10th has made visibility a little more difficult - so we need you to be sure to use the crosswalk and absolutely not cross in the middle of the road. Please? Ok? We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. If you are a run/walker and want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. Remember we share the roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars – please, stay on the sidewalks or to the far left on the road, obey traffic signals and stop signs, and cross only in marked crosswalks. Help us be good neighbors and reflect our club well to the community!

Potato to Tomato 2017 Couch-to-5k Training

East Nasty's mission is "to make East Nashville a great place to live and run, and to make running accessible to everyone in our community." One of the biggest ways we fulfill that is with our signature 'Potato-to-Tomato' couch-to-5k training program. Well over 1,000 people have completed the program over the years and so many of you found your way to this great running community through our P2T program. And now it's back for the 8th year! This is the perfect opportunity to invite your novice runner friends, family, and co-workers to get moving and improve their fitness by training with a supportive encouraging group and our fantastic volunteer coaches. Get all of the info on our P2T page HERE.

Share this link on your social media accounts:

East Nashville Tomato 5K

The East Nashville Tomato 5K is our 'home race' and every year East Nasty comes out in force. It's also the 5K that our P2Ters train to run! The race is set for August 12th, 2017 (Tomato Fest day!) and registration is open. Sign up now until June 19th for just $25! Details and registration here:

Local Taco Discount

Local Taco in East Nashville is extending an offer of 10% off all food and non-alcoholic beverages this Wednesday night to East Nasty runners. Get you some tacos after the run this week!

Wednesday May 17 - A circle that turns round upon itself

Route #8

Tonight is Route #8: Rick's Market - which is not only run number 8, but also a figure 8. Growing up I loved 'Schoolhouse Rock!' And one of my favorites was about the number 8 - "a circle that turns round upon itself". We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. If you are a run/walker and want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. Remember we share the roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars - please help us be good neighbors!

NRC Altra Wear Test

Our friends at Nashville Running Company are back with another wear test opportunity for you tonight. Stop by the store before the run to grab a demo pair of Altra Running's new Escalantes. Lee says: "These beauties offer a responsive yet plush ride. Come give them a spin -- your feet will love you for it!"

'PR Bandits' Saturday Long Runs

PR Bandits are back! Beginning this weekend, East Nasty is once again partnering with the ‘PR Bandits’ who are hosting supported long runs on Saturday mornings throughout the summer and fall. Saturday supported runs will be held at various favorite running routes across Nashville. Most of the runs offer various distance options and all paces are welcome. Join the PR Bandits Facebook Group for more info, to get run invites, and to link up with other runners. And watch this blog on Thursdays for the info about each week's run. This Saturday's run is on the Harpeth River Greenway. Meet at the Warner Nature Center at 7:30am. Which is not 8. And thus fails my 'Schoolhouse Rock!' anecdote. But it would be great, if you weren't late. ;)

Potato to Tomato

Details coming this week in a separate post...

Wednesday May 10 - Return to Riverside

Route #6

After skipping to Route #7 last week, tonight we jump back to Route #6: Riverside.  99% percent of the time we need you to run on the left side of the road against traffic, but on this route there is one section i Shelby Park where that changes. After passing the lake, as you are going up that hill out of Shelby Park , stay on the RIGHT side of the road. Stay alert as the hill and curve in the road make it difficult to see and be seen by cars. (This is the same hill we run DOWN after Mt Nasty on Route #12). When you reach the top, turn right and go under the train bridge, then turn left onto Riverside. Stay on the left side of Riverside in the bike lane. Remember we share those roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine. If you are a run/walker and want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work.

Looking Forward

Potato-to-Tomato - Our annual free Couch-to-5K program will be starting next month - be on the look out for details on this blog very soon. If you're interested in being a coach, you can sign up online HERE.

PR Bandits - Our Saturday morning long runs will return beginning Saturday May 20th - details will be posted each week here on this blog. You can also join the PR Bandits Facebook group HERE.

You guys crushed the community street clean up project last week! Thank you all so much for helping and giving back to our beloved neighborhood! See ya tonight! ENFL!


Wednesday May 3 - Rest & Recover, Clean Up & Give Back

Rest and Recover

Congrats to all of you who ran the full or half marathon! And how about that cheer station and party? It was a great weekend! Now it's time to take a well needed rest. But resting doesn't mean doing nothing. In fact, unless you have an injury, active recovery is better than passive recovery. Active recovery = super easy exercise (i.e. 60 - 70% of your max heart rate, light cross training, etc.) Also, a good rule of thumb is to take 1 recovery day for every 2 km of racing. For half marathoners, that means a good 10 days of easy exercise, for marathoners it's more like 3 weeks.

Route #7

This Wednesday we are skipping ahead to run Route #7: Little Hollywood. (More on why below.) We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine. If you are a run/walker and want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join the Lasty Nasties. You can read here for more info on how our Wednesday night runs work.

Community focus is the foundation that Mark Miller built this group upon - a passion to be good citizens in our neighborhood and great advocates for the running community. This mindset is what I think distinguishes East Nasty from other running groups. So what does that mean? After a short run tonight we’re going to give back to the neighborhood that has been so good to us!

Community Clean Up

After our short run tonight, everyone needs to get into groups of 2-3, grab some bags and gloves and go pick up trash! This is one way that East Nasty gives back to our great community. And all you need to bring is a willing spirit. We will give you gloves, trash bags, and a map that highlights your section of the neighborhood to clean. This should only eat into about 15 minutes of our post-run fun!  As you are cleaning, specifically look for empty Gu packets, crushed cups and other things that are often left behind after a marathon. We picked a shorter route for tonight so that we will have plenty of time for an easy run and the clean up project. The more help we have, the faster it will go! Even if you're not running tonight, please come help - a brisk walk while picking up trash is good active recovery :) 

Pint Night & Trail Sisters

Then after the clean up project, head over to NRC for monthly Pint Night and their Trail Sisters Event. Lee won't tap the keg until the clean up effort is complete - so the sooner we finish, the sooner we drink. During Pint Night, the Trail Sisters will host a 30 minute presentation and meet/greet on camaraderie, empowerment, safety, and motivation. There will be time for a Q&A along with a raffle for prizes from Julbo, Pro-Tec Athletics, Vasque Footwear, Trail Butter, and Flora!

NRC is also continuing their demo of Salomon road shoes again this week. Get over there before the run to do wear test.

lululemon Thursday Event

Did you enjoy having the lululemon #thetesttruck out at East Nasty a couple weeks ago? They are making one more appearance in Nashville - Thursday evening at 5pm at Bearded Iris Taproom in East Germantown. Get details on the Facebook Event page here: The More Than Miles Tour Grande Finale Party

Potato to Tomato 2017

Coming soon - details on our 2017 summer couch to 5K program!

Wednesday April 26 - Race Week!

This is a big week for a lot of East Nasties - it's Race Week and the culmination of a lot of hard work! Enjoy this week and everything associated with the race, because you've earned it. We've got a lot of things going on over the next 4-5 days. Read on for what you need to know...  

Route #5

First things first - this Wednesday is one of our most popular runs: Route #5: Walking Bridge. We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, bitter cold or blazing heat. If you are a run/walker and want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join the Lasty Nasties. You can read here for more info on how our Wednesday night runs work.

Shirts and Tanks

If you ordered one our 2017 race shirts or tanks, your order is now ready for pick up at Nashville Running Company! If you missed out on the order, we *may* have a very small number extras to sell later this week. Keep checking the blog for updates - we will announce any available extras here.

Race Week Details!

This is a lot of info, but we don't want you to miss anything...

1) Tapering

Some classic Coach Mark Miller tapering advice: "There is nothing you can do between now and race day to run faster, but there is a lot you can do to make yourself run slower! It takes your body 7 to 10 days to gain any benefits from a hard workout. So, if you feel like you "missed" too many runs, don't try to make them up this week. You'll experience all the fatigue that comes with a workout but get none of the benefits by Saturday's race. In other words, be smart this week. Allow your body to absorb all the work that you have put in over the last 16 weeks. Don't do any hard/long running this week and don't eat anything new or different. Just rest, relax, and pay attention to your hydration and nutrition - and hold back on the celebrating until Saturday night..."

2) Race Start Time Change and Heat

Because of the forecast of higher temps on Saturday, the Marathon and half Marathon race start time has been moved up to 6:45am (the 5K now starts at 6:15am). You can get more details and a lot of good warm weather race prep info on the race website HERE. Basically, sign up for text alerts from the race for any further race day schedule updates, be drinking lots of fluids this whole week, have a salt packet at the race start, and make use of shady spots and aid/medical stations along the course if you start to feel over-heated.

3) Half Marathon Corrals

East Nasty Half Marathon training pace groups (based on finish time goal) are set to meet up in the following corrals:

Sub-1:40 - Corral #2 1:45 - Corral #4 2:00 - Corral #4 2:15 - Corral #10 2:30 - Corral #10

If you didn't get assigned the corral you need to be in, you should be able to get your corral assignment changed when you pick up your race packet at the expo.

4) Cheer Station

If you're not racing on Saturday, of if you have friends or loved ones racing, then please join our official East Nasty Marathon Cheer Station! Half Marathoners please join us after you finish your race! Stop by for a few hours that day or spend the whole day cheering - any amount of support you can offer is greatly appreciated.

Facebook Event link: Location: At East Park on Woodland St between 6th and 7th Streets. It's the perfect spot to support runners as they come thru our neighborhood on the lonely marathon-only route. Plus, this location is close enough to the finish line that half marathoners can easily join us when they finish their race. Time frame: Approx. 7:30am to 2:30pm. Show up in your East Nasty gear!

Volunteers: We could still use some help with set-up, tear-down, and a few other things! Sign up to help out here: Cheer Station Volunteer Google Doc

5) Annual Post Race Party

And finally - after running or cheering in the morning, get in a nap and then join us for one of our biggest events of the year- our annual post-race celebration! (Whether you ran or not.)

What: East Nasty Post-Rock n' Roll Race Celebration Featuring: Local Taco, Yazoo, Awards, Friends, and Fun! Facebook Event link: Who: Everyone  - even if you didn't run. Where: The Pavilion East When: Saturday, April 29th.  6:00 - 10:00 pm How much: $10 suggested donation

Volunteers: Putting on the party is a lot of work and we can always use help! We still need a few volunteers to help with set up, clean up, and a couple things during the event. Sign up to help out here: Post-race Party Volunteers Google Doc

It's race week, Nasties! ENFL!!

Wednesday April 19 - Back to Shelby, Race Weekend Events, ...and a 'Nashville' detour

Sorry for the delayed post - lots of info this week to share...

Route #4

This week we head back into Shelby Park for Route #4: The Big Shelby Loop.  99% percent of the time we need you to run on the left side of the road against traffic, but on this route it's safer to run on the right side on Davidson Street once you're in the park. When you make the right turn from Davidson to head up the Sevier/Naval hill, get back over to the left side of the road. As Rudyard Kipling wrote, and my friend Hal always says, be sure to "keep your wits about you" while running in the park. Remember we share those roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars. We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine. If you are a run/walker and want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work.

NOTE: The 'Nashville' TV show is currently filming on Fatherland Street. If they are still blocking the street tonight (probably), we will run the out-and-back portion of the route on Holly instead of on Fatherland. The rest of the route will be the same. 

Salomon Sonic Wear Test - Tonight!

Show up before the run tonight at NRC if you want to try out a pair of the new Salomon Sonic road shoe. Yes! A "wear test" means that you can actually take a pair of shoes out for a run without having to purchase them!

Rock n Roll Weekend

The Rock n Roll (formerly Country Music) Marathon and Half-Marathon is April 29 - less than 2 weeks away! It's a big weekend for East Nasty with lots of opportunities for you to be involved...

1) Cheer Station

East Nasty started 13 years ago when a handful of runners decided to train together for the race and each year we have more and more runners training to run 13.1 or 26.2 miles. By far, the most amazing thing you can experience during a difficult race is having your friends and family out there cheering for you and acknowledging your hard work. So, we are hosting our first official East Nasty Cheer Station for 2017! Stop by for a few hours that day or spend the whole day cheering! Any amount of support you can offer is greatly appreciated.

Location: On Woodland St between 6th and 7th Streets. It's the perfect spot to support runners as they come thru our neighborhood on the lonely marathon-only route. Plus, this location is close enough to the finish line that half marathoners can join us when they finish their race.

Time frame: Approx. 7:30am to 2:30pm. Show up in your East Nasty gear!

Volunteers: We could use some help with set-up, tear-down, and a few other things! Sign up to help out here:  Cheer Station Volunteer Google Doc

2) Annual Post Race Party

After running or cheering in the morning, get in a nap and then join us for one of our biggest events of the year- our annual post-race celebration! (Whether you ran or not.)

What: East Nasty Post-Rock n' Roll Race Celebration Featuring: Local Taco, Yazoo, Awards, Friends, and Fun! Who: Everyone  - even if you didn't run. Where: The Pavilion East When: Saturday, April 29th.  6:00 - 10:00 pm How much: $10 suggested donation

Volunteers: Putting on the party is a lot of work and we can always use help! We need volunteers to help with set up, clean up, and a couple things during the event. Sign up to help out here: Post-race Party Volunteers Google Doc

Wednesday April 12 - Lululemon Test Truck

Route #3

This week is Route #3: Musica. ‘Musica’ is the name of the massive sculpture art piece at the center of the music row roundabout at the far end of the route. This is an out and back route, so you can choose your milage. It’s about 4 miles if you turn around right after crossing the pedestrian bridge. It’s about 5 miles if you turn around at Cummins Station. And it’s about 6.3 if you do the whole thing. This route is a great way to see downtown, but there are lots of downtown intersections. Please be careful, use crosswalks, and obey traffic signals! We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. If you are a run/walker and want to get a head start, meet at 5:30pm and join our Lasty Nasty group. If you are new, then READ HERE for more info about how our Wednesday night runs work.

Cups Cleaning & Raffle

We still need a few volunteers/entrants for Cup Cleaning Volunteer Raffle - including THIS week!

Volunteer to help wash the cups!

Everyone that signs up for a week to clean the cups will be entered to win $100 gift card to NRC. The more you volunteer, the more chances you get to win. We will draw a winner at the end of every quarter – so you have a 1-in-12 chance to win if you volunteer, a 2-in-12 chance if you volunteer twice, etc. Big thanks to Schaffer Law Firm for sponsoring this program! Here’s how it works: 1) Sign up on the Google doc. 2) Take the cups home. 3) Wash them. 4) Post a pic on social media showing you washed them and tag our Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. 5) Bring the cups back to the run the next week.

lululemon Test Truck

You do not wanna miss this! lululemon is bringing the More than Miles Tour | #thetesttruck to Nashville and their first stop is with East Nasty this Wednesday! The Test Truck is a revamped U-haul you can see through, with a treadmill inside!! The Test Truck is taking a tour around the country to connect with runners, see what they're up to and get feedback on lululemon product. The Test Truck and the team from lululemon Hill Center Nashville will be set up before the start of the run on Wednesday, 4/12 from 5pm - 8pm, so come hang out, try on lululemon gear and tell them what you think!

Post Race Party

Save the date! Our annual post Rock n Roll race party is set for the evening of Sat April 29th and will be held once again at Pavilion East (11th & Fatherland). Food, beer, awards, and fun with all your favorite running friends - whether you ran the race or not! $10 suggested donation. More details to come.

Wednesday April 5th - Suds and Duds

Route #2

This week we continue our 12 week cycle with Route #2: ‘Round the Bird.  This run takes into Shelby Park and is a figure-8 route that crosses over itself. Be sure to high five each other at the intersection! We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, sweltering heat or bitter cold. If you are a run/walker and want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work.

Did you know that East Nasty hasn't cancelled or missed a Wednesday night run since we started doing them way back in the summer of 2008? That's almost 9 years! (Sidebar: How about a 10th Anniversary run in Summer 2018!?) We've dodged some storms, delayed the start time for lightning, and enjoyed many miles in the rain - but we always run. As Drew says: "The sun always shines on East Nasty!" This Wednesday may see some inclement weather, but we hope that won't stop you from coming out and here's why...

2017 Race Shirts and Tanks! ...and Pint Night!

This is the week to order our 2017 race shirts and tanks! And this is the ONLY Wednesday you will have the chance to try them on and find your size. You can do that at Nashville Running Company after the run because it's Pint Night. Also, Lee needs help drinking all that beer. So, even if you don't come out to run - please try to make it out to NRC to have a pint and try on our new shirts and/or tanks. If you can't do this Wednesday, you can come by NRC anytime they are open from now through the weekend. Samples of all of the items are now there to try on (Men's and women's tanks and short sleeve shirts). Monday morning at 10am is the deadline to order.

Get more details on the Shop page and then order online here:

This years shirts and tanks are from Nike and are super comfortable! Don't miss your only chance to get one and be recognized as part of the best running club in the city on race day!



Wednesday March 29 - Spring Back to the Start

Route #1

It’s the first Wednesday night of our 2017 Spring quarter! Temps are still kind of mild, it's light until 7ish - it's a great time for an evening run! After crushing The Nasty last week, we will start back at the beginning of our 12 week cycle with Route #1: One Hilly 5(ish)K. (It’s actually not quite a 5K, but just 3 miles. Thus the “ish”) We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine. If you are a run/walker and want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join the Lasty Nasties. This is a great week to invite someone new! If you do, remind them to READ HERE for info on how our Wednesday night runs work. After the run, it should be a gorgeous night to recover with a pint at 3 Crow Bar.

Cup Cleaning Raffle

We will announce our Q1 Cup Cleaning Volunteer Raffle Winner at the run this week! And volunteer sign up/entry for Q2 is open!

Volunteer to help wash the cups!

Everyone that signs up for a week to clean the cups will be entered to win $100 gift card to NRC. The more you volunteer, the more chances you get to win. We will draw a winner at the end of every quarter – so you have a 1-in-12 chance to win if you volunteer, a 2-in-12 chance if you volunteer twice, etc. Big thanks to Schaffer Law Firm for sponsoring this program! Here’s how it works: 1) Sign up on the Google doc. 2) Take the cups home. 3) Wash them. 4) Post a pic on social media showing you washed them and tag our Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. 5) Bring the cups back to the run the next week.

Shade Tree Trot

The Shade Tree Trot 5k is a charity race on April 22nd, 2017. It supports the Shade Tree Clinic, Vanderbilt’s student run free clinic for the under-insured of Tennessee. This year, they are offering a spectacularly discounted rate of $10 ONLY for East Nasty runners. Sign up at the registration link: and select "non-student" registration. Enter the discount code ENTROT when prompted. (Note, the price will not decrease to $10 until you reach the payment page.) This code is ONLY for East Nasty and expires Thursday at midnight so please sign up before then! 


Do you use Strava? Join our 'Strava Club' and track your performances with other East Nasty runners, see route maps, print cue sheets, and more! Find us on Strava here:

Race Shirts & Tanks

We are almost ready to open ordering for our 2017 race shirts and tanks. Details coming later this week. Keep an eye on the blog and be ready to act fast!



Wednesday March 22 - The Spring Nasty and Reebok Wear Test

Route #12: The Nasty

This week we culminate our 12 run series with our signature run: Route #12: The Nasty! 6 miles of the worst best hills in East Nashville. You get our famous bumper sticker when you complete the run! If you need a little shorter run, you can run ‘Nasty Lite’ – a 3.7 mile run – but, there’s no sticker reward.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. Meet at 5:30pm and join the Lasty Nasties if you are a run/walker and want to get a head start. We have 12 different routes that we cycle through on Wednesdays, which means that we run each one around 4 times per year. So it works out that we get to experience each route in each season (more or less). So this is the ‘spring’ Nasty – which means that while it will be light at the start of the run, it will be getting dark by the time some of you finish. So, be sure to wear something that creates or reflects light.

After you finish, grab your sticker and come down to 3 Crow Bar to celebrate completing the run with all your peeps!

Reebok FloatRide Wear Test

Come out on TONIGHT -Wednesday, March 22nd as Reebok will be joining us with their Reebok FloatRide Tour! Reebok will be allowing runners to try on their brand new Reebok FloatRide shoe, which is their newest and recently launched running shoe. Come #feeltheFloatRide and feel the love from Reebok with some free give-aways along the way! If you want to participate, try to get there a little early to get set up! 


Be on the lookout very soon for details about our spring race shirts. Stay tuned!


Wednesday March 15 - Church and State

Route #11

This week is Route #11 – The Church Run. East Nashville is one of the oldest communities in Nashville with many historic buildings dating back to the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Some of the most beautiful architecture is highlighted in the churches - and we pass around 15 of them on this route. We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. If you are a run/walker and want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join the Lasty Nasties. You can READ HERE for more info on how our Wednesday night runs work. Daylight Saving Time has kicked in but we encourage you to still wear something that creates or reflects light for just a couple more weeks. It will be light at the start of our run, but will be dark by the time we are running the end of it. Since this route is a figure 8, its a great week to invite new runners and beginners – because you can easily stop after just 2 miles of the first loop of the figure 8.

Presidential Traffic

The President is holding a rally in downtown Wednesday evening, so anticipate heavier than usual traffic and lots of road closures between the airport, the Hermitage, and downtown (read more here). Please plan accordingly.

Pint Night

Don't care for politics? Good thing that this week is Pint Night at Nashville Running Company. Come over to NRC immediately after the run for some free Yazoo. (FYI - NRC offer 10% off to East Nasties every day). And not only that, but it's "Balls Out Wednesday"! Balega and TriggerPoint will be onsite with some fun games and activities - think ping pong balls, plastic spoons, Balega socks, and a TriggerPoint obstacle course!. The folks from Nut Butter Nation peanut butter will be there as well with samples for some post run fuel.

NAMI 5K - April 8th

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Davidson is a peer-led nonprofit 501.c.3 grassroots organization dedicated to improving the lives of people with severe and persistent mental health issues and those of their loved ones through effective and innovative support, education and advocacy. They are hosting  a certified 5K Run and walk at Shelby Park on Saturday, April 8th. This is a fun event with a festival atmosphere with a village of vendors. For more information on the event, registration and volunteer opportunities, click here. Contact with any questions.