Christmas Party, Discounts and New Gear


Christmas Party 2013

After the run this Wednesday, we're going to head down to the Zimmerman's house (1306 Woodland) for our 6th annual East Nasty Christmas Party. We'll have food, live music, beer and some new East Nasty merch.

We need you to bring: $5 (for our insurance), and a dessert (only if you have time to make one, don't worry about it otherwise).

Everyone is welcome, even if you can't make the run. Party starts as soon as the first runner gets there!

Country Music Half/Full Marathon Discount

There is no doubt that races are getting expensive, so it's always a good idea to take advantage of discounts when they are available. Starting Wednesday at midnight and continuing throughout the day on Thursday, both the country music marathon and half-marathon will be $20 off.  (Details here)

East Nasty Merch = Great Christmas Gifts

Hoodies. They are available, but must be ordered by December 13th. We will not have extras. We will have a size run at the party that you can try on. (Details here)

Swiftwick socks. $20. Merino wool. Amazing. I wore a pair on a wet, cold trail run on Saturday. Just amazing. They will be available at the party to purchase.

Training logs. $10. Keep track of your mileage, and have a quick reference for all twelve routes! Also available for purchase at the party.

Note: We only have a certain number of training logs and socks, so if you will not be at the party, but really want one, send Mark an email at

The Run

Our run this week is #1. Just a quick easy 5k route. (Gives us more time to celebrate together afterwards.)

6 a.m. or 6 p.m. at the corner of 11th and Holly in East Nashville.

Run #1: One Hilly 5k

Wednesday RunsMark