Half Marathon and Marathon Training - January through April

Free Half Marathon or Marathon Training Program

Every spring, East Nasty turns out in force to train and race together. In fact, training for the St. Jude Rock’n’Roll Nashville Marathon and Half Marathon was how East Nasty began! The training program is always FREE and open to anyone.

This 14- to 16-week training program begins every year in January and continues through April. The training series includes long, paced Saturday morning from various locations throughout the city, weekday speed training sessions, and tons of support from dedicated pacers and peers. Registration begins in December for next year’s series, so check back here for details! Once you register, run locations and weekly training specifics will come to you by email, Facebook, Instagram, and through your coaches.

Perfectly timed for the iconic Rock’n’Roll Nashville race in April, you be able to run the race with the East Nasty pace group that has supported you throughout your training and will get you across the finish line. But if you have another Spring race on the radar, you can tailor the plan to your own needs and goals.

We’re in the “off season” now, but East Nasty never closes!

If you’re aching to get started, check out these options:

LONG RUNS on Saturday mornings during the off season are hosted by our sister organization, the PR Bandits.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT RUNS with East Nasty of course! We run together as a club every Wednesday at 6p from 12th & Holly. We’d love to see you there!

POTATO to TOMATO Couch to 5K Training for new or returning runners.

More Details

The Program

Beginning in early January and continuing through Rock’n’Roll Nashville, our training program consists of:

LONG RUNS on Saturday mornings led by volunteer pace group leaders starting from different locations throughout the city. Half training will start at 8am. Full training start times will vary by distance, but will generally begin earlier.

SPEED SESSIONS on Monday evenings, open to all runners. Structured speed workouts are beneficial to every runner and are adjustable to your pace. Speed workouts will consist of hill repeats, tempo runs, and intervals, and will make you a stronger runner.

SUGGESTED WEEKLY WORKOUTS to follow during the week. Saturday runs are great, but to really prepare for a race, mid-week training is essential. We'll provide some basics for you to modify to suit your own needs.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT RUNS with East Nasty of course. We run together as a club every Wednesday at 6p from 12th & Holly. We highly encourage you to join these runs, but they are not mandatory for the program.

COACHES AND PACE LEADERS who can give lots of support and advice, and will guide Saturday morning runs.

WEEKLY NEWSLETTER updates via email, with training notes, special events, and occasional free giveaways!

the Cost

As with all East Nasty programs, training with us is absolutely free!

Training Requirements

We only ask that you are able to run five miles without stopping on the first day of training for half marathon training or eight miles for full marathon training. If you aren’t there now, consider our Potato to Tomato 5k Training program!


Email training@eastnastyforlife.com with questions and for additional information.

the Training Plan

The training plan includes a schedule and description of the Saturday runs, Speed Training workouts, suggested weekday workouts, and training guidelines. During training, update emails will come out weekly with details for the run, guidance for the week and any changes to the plan.


If you would like to become a business sponsor for this training series, please contact us!