Shop with Amazon Smile and Support East Nasty


When you shop with Amazon Smile, Amazon donates a portion of each sale to the charitable organization of your choice. As a register 501C3 non-profit, East Nasty can receive donations every time you shop on Amazon! It’s easy:

  1. Go to

  2. Sign into your account (or create a new one)

  3. If this is your first visit to, it will ask you to choose a charitable organization. Search for ‘East Nasty Running Club’. (If you are already using Amazon Smile, you can easily change your organization to East Nasty. This option is located right under the Amazon search bar.)

  4. Shop away!

  5. Bookmark so that you use it every time you shop with Amazon and the donations will add up.

Thank you for taking the time to set this up. East Nasty is proud to be a completely volunteer run (running pun!) organization and to offer all of our training programs completely free of charge. As a small non-profit, every bit helps us. Thank you!

VolunteerGrant England