Cheyenne Smith
2016 River Gorge - On the Rocks
Cheyenne Smith goes by a lot of names/descriptions - Amy Alder Smith's husband, shirtless wonder, Greek God, crazy guy that pushes a double stroller up Mt. Nasty. Now, he can add one more moniker to the list, East Nasty of the Week!
Cheyenne grew up in Middle Tennessee in the four red light town of Woodbury. His parents still live in the house where he was born. As a youngster, he was a "nerdy jock". He has always been active and had trouble sitting still so he would bike all over town to visit friends (because they lived in BFE). He played basketball from kindergarten through high school (he still wears the b'ball shorts to prove it!). However, he also stressed over grades and had such crazy thoughts like "B’s are bad". Cheyenne was also "one of those guys" and had perfect attendance throughout high school. He was the student body president, class VP, FCA "something", and was even the Tennessee Beta Club President. He says in hindsight that maybe he was just an active dork. Your words, dude . . .
Following his stint as Mr. High School, Cheyenne headed for college at Western Kentucky University, and the experience was a lot like high school except that he gave up all of the silly clubs and became highly active in the "adult beverage consumption society" (Maha has applications behind the bar at 3 Crow for anyone interested in the post-collegiate, East Nashville chapter). However, all of those carbs provided the necessary energy to do some weightlifting and intramural basketball throughout his college years. Don't worry, though, he still stressed over grades and managed to negotiate a summa cum laude and a B.S. in Architectural Science.
2016 Snow Day - Mush
What does Cheyenne do these days? Apparently, he's "sort of like Barney Stinson in that nobody really knows what [he does]." For 11 years, he has been a designer/project manager for a boutique hospital construction company. In addition, he is the owner/principal of a residential design company focusing mainly on the designing and drafting of additions and renovations to older and historic homes and infill housing. So, basically he's "legen - wait for it - dary".
As for running, September 28, 2011 is Cheyenne's official runaversary. Until then, he would get a random wild hair about once or twice a year for a few days at a time, crush a few runs, and then stop. Since 2011, he's been more "serious" about his running, and the accomplishments keep piling up. According to him, "new [accomplishments] always seem to replace the old ones as the journey continues, but it started out as overcoming the fear of calling myself a runner instead of a jogger, then completing a half marathon and then a full marathon. Maybe one day I’ll do an ultra so that I can join the cool kid club with you." You're already in the cool kid club, Cheyenne, but your ass is definitely doing an ultra if I have anything to say about it.
2016 River Gorge - RunWILD
Cheyenne found the awesomeness that is East Nasty from the "google box", and his very first run was the Bongo to Bongo 2 weeks prior to the 2013 Country Music Half which, at that time, was his longest run ever. Then, he started running more consistently with the group when he and Amy moved to East Nashville in the fall of 2013, and East Nasty was a big factor of why they chose East Nashville. Heck yeah!
2013 Country Music Half - so fast, so blurry
His favorite/most enjoyable part of East Nasty is the annual post-Country Music Marathon party and seeing so many like-minded people gather and celebrate another season of running accomplishments. However, Cheyenne has a few ideas on how to make sure East Nasty runners stay out of the street and cross in the crosswalks . . . which involves firing paintball guns at rule breakers. He says "if you could get the powers that be to create that new 'running etiquette enforcer' position then I would most enjoy having the opportunity pick off disobedient runners with a paintball gun." (I think that will definitely be mentioned at the next board meeting.)
His most memorable experience with East Nasty is the inaugural Tabata classes at East Park back in 2013 where he met his first batch of Nasties. And this year's destination race was a pretty good time too! Finally, when he's not racing around the country, rocking dad duty, or hanging out at NRC with a red solo cup, Cheyenne enjoys renovating their 100 year old home and building furniture (just like Magic Mike?!)
Tabata - Susi selfie
Cheyenne's wife, Amy, is a fellow ENOW and an integral part of East Nasty's couch-2-5k program. When I interviewed her for her own ENOW post, she couldn't stop gushing over Cheyenne's contributions to East Nasty and her running. Here's what she had to say: "anything you write about me has to include a bit about Cheyenne. He is the one who inspired me to start running. He’s always been full of encouragement and telling me I can do more than I think I can. He’s taken kid duty three times a week so that I can participate in the P2T program for the last two summers. He runs while pushing our two 40 lb children in a double-stroller on Wednesday nights just so I can run too on those nights and he never complains. He is always more than willing to help me do whatever is necessary for me to get a run in. Without him I would have never in a million years started this journey and I definitely wouldn’t be able to continue without his help and encouragement. He is the best husband, father, and is my biggest supporter and very best friend."
2015 Miami Marathon - the wifey and Melissa King did the half
Personally, I've run with Cheyenne off and on for almost 3 years. Even though he's a self-proclaimed introvert, chatting with him and listening to his stories make the miles fly by. As of this year, he's jumped into the trail running scene, and it was awesome to be there as he dove headfirst into this new challenge and to see him grow into a seriously, legit trail runner. So glad you drank the kool-aid, dude!!
Congrats on ENOW, Cheyenne!! So well deserved!