Brandon Greer
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If you've been to East Nasty in the past couple of years, you have definitely seen our latest East Nasty of the Week . . . or at least heard him. This guy can run his mouth as fast and as long as he can run his feet. He hails from the Promised Land, has never met a stranger, crushed being an East Nasty pace leader for the Rock'n'Roll Nashville half marathon, and is just all around an awesome dude. It's my honor to introduce the newest ENOW of the week -- Brandon Greer!
Brandon grew up in Gardendale, AL a small suburb 20 minutes north of Birmingham. He started playing baseball at the ripe young age of 3 and played pretty much his entire life (or for at least the next 17 years). He did one mandatory year of football in middle school, which he says was a requirement of a boy turning into a man but then finished his football seasons on the drumline (who knew East Nasty had our own Nick Cannon?!). He also played junior varsity basketball but focused mainly on baseball throughout high school.
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Following high school, Brandon attended THE University of Alabama and is a proud double major in Business Management and Marketing from there (I knew he looked like a champion!). These days, Brandon is a territory manager for the largest building materials distributor in the US. He also has a few business partners, and they flip around 25 houses per year in the East Nashville area.
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As for running, Brandon ran all throughout junior high and high school, but he really found a passion for it in 2007. His biggest accomplishment is his half marathon PR of 1:29 at the 2008 Mercedes Half Marathon in Birmingham (In a shocking turn of events, Brandon is less than chatty about his accomplishments . . . ).
Brandon says he found East Nasty "by the grace of GOD" or at least the internet. He found the group through a good old fashioned Google search in 2013 and has been running with us ever since. His favorite part about East Nasty is the ability to run with all different types of people and runners. He gains something from someone different almost every Wednesday. . . "except from Beth Meadows, she stinks!!!!!!!!" Not going to argue with that, Brandon!
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As for his most memorable East Nasty experience, it was coaching/training the Potato to Tomato group in 2015. It was his first time to really volunteer, and he says it was a pleasure to help people who were just getting into running reach a goal of finishing a 5k. Brandon must have caught the volunteering bug because, as I stated earlier, he just recently finished up his stint as trainer and pace leader for East Nasty's half marathon training group. Way to give back, Brandon!
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As with some of our other East Nasty peeps, Brandon has also recently picked cycling back up and has started training for triathlons.He will compete in the Music City Tri this summer. Good luck with that!
Personally, I've been running with Brandon for a couple of months and couldn't think of a better ENOW. He is incredibly welcoming, and his hilarity makes the miles fly by! He does so much for the East Nasty community and is as fun as he is hard-working. Super proud to call this guy a running buddy. Congrats, Brandon, and thank you for embodying the East Nasty spirit!