Melinda Morgan
Our latest East Nasty of the Week is known for her love of her friends, her love of her dog and her love of sharing astrological information on Facebook. Nasties, it is my pleasure to introduce you to your ENOW, Melinda Morgan!
NRC Winter Speed Session 2014
Melinda was born in Gadsden, AL and grew up in Tuscaloosa. In middle school, she ran track and played softball and basketball. She was shy in high school and hung-out with a group of friends that she played rec league softball with. Melinda put herself through college, attending the University of Alabama. Putting yourself through college is stressful, but she had fun and continued playing rec league softball.
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You may be surprised to learn that Melinda is not, in fact, a professional rec league softball player, but instead, is the Operations Director for the Belcourt Theatre. Her running career started via East Nasty's free 5K training. In the summer of 2012, she became a tomato, a runner, and an East Nasty. Potato 2 Tomato coach and fellow ENOW,
, has this to say:
I first met Melinda when she was a participant in our Potato 2 Tomato 5K training group. She struck me as such a badass athlete that I couldn't understand why she was training with us. I soon learned that she was a triathlete coming back from a shoulder injury, and just how stubborn and badass she could be! And super nice and kind, too! I love that she returned the next year as a volunteer coach and even now continues to help new runners, encouraging them to keep at it and become badasses themselves. She is a pleasure to know and I'm so glad that she shares her awesome self with our growing East Nasty community!
Cedars training ride with Karen and Cassandra
Melinda claims her friends as the biggest accomplishment she's made in running, especially when it comes to training. Another proud accomplishment is doing the Cedars of Lebanon triathlon last May.
Melinda and Carrie at the Color Run
Melinda heard about East Nasty from her bestie, Carrie DuRard. Carrie knew Melinda was looking for a 5K training program and recommended Potato 2 Tomato. I spoke to Carrie and she had this to say about her friend:
Melinda is the runner that more of us should try to emulate. It's not the pace of her feet, but rather the speed of her encouraging words just when you need them the most. It's also the willingness to lend a hand and the never-quit attitude that she brings to the group.
After the Germantown 5K 2014
What Melinda enjoys most about East Nasty is the friendships she's made, and how positive, friendly and encouraging this group is for runners of all types. Her most memorable East Nasty experience is finishing her first run of "The Nasty" with Glenda Tetley.
Melinda and Susi
Friend and fellow ENOW,
, has this to say:
Sometimes you meet a person, and feel like you have already traveled a lifetime with them. This is my experience with Melinda. Melinda and I met through East Nasty. I'm sure it was during our runs with Lasty Nasty on Wednesday nights that solidified the friendship. Melinda is one of THE MOST caring people I know. She is always good to lend an ear or advice to others - about running or otherwise. We've trained Couch to 5K-er's together for a couple of years, ran races together, and last summer we hiked Mt. LeConte with our friends. One great outcome of East Nasty is friendship!!
Melinda running
When Melinda's not running, she loves to hike. She also draws and paints a bit. Oh, and pro tip, she knows everything about every movie at the Belcourt.
Melinda, you are one of my favorite East Nasties. I'm so glad Susi nominated you. Congrats and welcome to the ENOW club!