Jacklyn Johnston
It was a cold and dark Monday night in early March when Jacklyn Johnston (our new East Nasty of the Week!) and Christy Brown met up for 15 mile long run as a part of their training schedule for the April 2010 Country Music Marathon. With little more than one headlamp on Christy’s head, some icy hot on Jacklyn’s shins, and shot blocks to give them some extra fuel for the run, they took off into the evening. Around mile 12 their route took them up a steep incline that makes Demonbreun Ave. look like a mere bump in the road. 2.5 miles later they conquered the mountain that is Lynnwood Way, and from that particular moment Jacklyn and Christy became TPFL (Training Partners For Life!) and created the little slogan “You Know You’re a Long Distance Runner If…”
Examples include…
1. 13 miles is now a short run
2. Wearing tights in public is now acceptable
3. While you’re out running, most people have driven back from work, helped their children with their homework, had dinner, watched their favorite TV episode and gone to bed…
-You get the idea… (feel free to add your own in the comments)
Jacklyn was born in Pittsburgh, PA, and like most of the natives there, she bleeds black and gold! Growing up, she was quite the active child, playing both soccer and softball early on. She also carried on the family tradition of playing varsity level basketball. Although only 5’3, Jacklyn was kind of like a 3 inch shorter version of Spud Webb, using her speed and tenacity to lead the Lady Lions onto victory. However, unlike Spud, she did not win any slam dunk contests. Right before 10th grade, the Johnston family unit moved down to Atlanta, Georgia. It was there that Jacklyn realized she would rather be running than playing softball, so she joined the track team and became wicked fast in sprinting events. From high school she came here to Nashville to attend Belmont University, where she focused in Media Studies.
Her first big race was the 2008 Country Music Half Marathon. She had never raced in anything over a 5K before, but after crossing the finish line that first time, she knew she had converted from a sprinter to a long-distance runner. Unfortunately this year she developed Piriformis syndrome two weeks before her first ever full marathon. Although the doctors “sidelined her” for this year’s race, she has plans to train again and complete her goal of finishing a full 26.2 miles, of course with her TPFL right next to her!
Whenever she is not updating her awesome blog, Jayewalking, Jacklyn can be found reading, cooking, people watching, or getting a plate commemorated in her name at the Flying Saucer. The next time you go there be sure to keep your eye out for plate #206, with the quote, "In heaven there ain't no beer, that's why we drink it here." Her plate (which she received for drinking 200 beers, NO not in one night) is located right next to fellow ENOW Will Arnold’s 2nd plate.
Sadly Jacklyn is about become “displaced” for a little while. She starts Law School in the Fall and will be moving back to Pittsuburgh in a few weeks to get ready. But fear not, she plans to keep in touch with the East Nasties and compete in races with us whenever she gets the chance. So, with sad hearts, we wish Jacklyn adieu, and hope to see her sooner than later.