Route #8
Tonight is Route #8: Rick's Market - which is not only run number 8, but also a figure 8.
We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group.
We're serious: Don't run in the middle of the road!
Every week we ask you all to stay to the left and run no more than 2 abreast, and every week some of you still run right out in the center of the road. Will you please help us be good citizens and neighbors and help maintain our club's standing in the community? Please don't open the club to scrutiny from the neighborhood and authorities and put us at risk by ignoring this simple request. If it's worth it to you to come out and run with us, all we ask is that you to follow our instructions. Thank you!
Potato to Tomato 2018 Couch-to-5k Training
East Nasty's mission is "to make East Nashville a great place to live and run, and to make running accessible to everyone in our community." One of the biggest ways we fulfill that is with our signature 'Potato-to-Tomato' free couch-to-5k training program. Well over 1,200 people have completed the program over the years and so many of you found your way to this great running community through our P2T program. And now it's back for the 9th year! This is the perfect opportunity to invite your novice runner friends, family, and co-workers to get moving and improve their fitness by training with a supportive encouraging group and our fantastic volunteer coaches. Get all of the info on our P2T page HERE.
Share this link on your social media accounts:
Interested in helping out as a volunteer coach? Sigh up here:
Also, if you have some gently used running shoes, set them aside. We will be collecting them soon to donate to new runners in need at P2T. More details to come...
East Nashville Tomato 5K
The East Nashville Tomato 5K is our 'home race' and every year East Nasty comes out in force. It's also the 5K that our P2Ters train to run! The race is set for August 11th, 2018 (Tomato Fest day!) and registration is open. Details and registration here:
'PR Bandits' Saturday Long Runs
PR Bandits are back! East Nasty is once again partnering with the ‘PR Bandits’ who are hosting supported long runs on Saturday mornings throughout the summer and fall. Saturday supported runs will be held at various favorite running routes across Nashville. Most of the runs offer various distance options and all paces are welcome. Join the PR Bandits Facebook Group for more info, to get run invites, and to link up with other runners.
10 Years of Wednesday Nights – June 20th, 2018
Can you believe that we have been running together on Wednesday nights for TEN YEARS!?! We’re going to celebrate! You know we love a party! Mark your calendars to join us on Wednesday night June 20th for our East Nasty 10 Year Wednesday Night Anniversary Run. Same time and location as usual – 6pm at 11th & Holly. More details to come, but plan on running The Nasty, some surprises, and hopefully seeing some old school faces!
Next week...
Pint Night and Global Running Day!