Posts in Wednesday Runs
PR Bandits Saturday Morning Run (and Breakfast!) – Germantown to Metro Center

East Nasty is partnering with the ‘PR Bandits’ again in 2017 who are hosting supported long runs on Saturday mornings. This Saturday, November 18 at 7am, we will be starting at Bicentennial Mall on 7th Ave North (about a block down from Jefferson St. - use 701 Jefferson St for GPS). This run makes its way around Sounds ball park, up through Germantown, across MetroCenter, and then on the greenway directly into downtown. We finish the run with a few well deserved hills for an 8 mile route but there are a few shortcut/longer options if your heart so desires.

8mi -

After the run, Chris Ashton is hosting breakfast at his home nearby! Check here for additional details and to sign up to bring some food to share. Breakfast is always a favorite and a great way to spend some time hanging out and better getting to know everyone. Hopefully everyone will stick around and join us afterwards!

RSVP here and join the PR Bandits Facebook Group for more info, get run invites, and to link up with other runners. Saturday supported runs will be held at various favorite running routes across Nashville.

Wednesday Nov 15 - Faster than a speeding banana

Route #10

Tonight is Route #10: Electric Slide. ,East Nasty founder Mark Miller says: "This route is awesome. With one of the greatest hills in East Nashville!" So, you can blame him when you're running up Lenore. You need to be extra cautious at one particular intersection. Right before the three mile mark, you turn left onto 14th from Sevier. Before you turn left onto 14th from Sevier, you need to STOP, look for traffic, then cross the street and RUN ON THE SIDEWALK on the RIGHT SIDE of 14th. BE VERY CAREFUL CROSSING 14th! For those of you who know the area, make sure you alert those around you.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. For safety, we ask you to wear something that creates or reflects light. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. Remember we share the roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars – please help us be good neighbors!

Special Google Fiber Pint Night at NRC

After the run tonight head over to NRC for a special mid-month Pint Night courtesy of Google Fiber. They will be there with shirt giveaways, beer, and info.

Google Fiber is fast, but perhaps not as fast as our favorite costume wearing, Balega & Triggerpoint repping, Frito pie loving, master of fun and games, and all around great Nasty: Ari Perez! Tonight is sadly one of his last Wednesdays. Be sure to wish him well when you see him tonight!



Wednesday Nov 8 - Stadium Run + Quantify Fitness Offer

Route #9

This week is Route #9: Nissan Stadium - home to your first place Tennessee Titans! Please be sure to cross 10th street at the crosswalk at 10th & Fatherland. The increase in construction and parking on 10th has made visibility much more difficult – so we need you to be sure to use the crosswalk and absolutely not cross in the middle of the road. Check out the route map on Strava:

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. Remember we share the roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars – please help us be good neighbors!

Daylight Savings Time has left us once again. Winter is coming. The night is dark and full of terrors - such as cars, cyclists, other pedestrians. Jon Snow may know nothing, but you know that you need to wear something that creates or reflects light on Wednesday evenings. Nashville Running Company is right around the corner from our meeting spot and has several options you can purchase if you’re in need of some gear.

Quantify Fitness - FREE 2-Week Pass ($120 value) for East Nasty Runners!

Check out this great deal! Worried about getting sidelined by a running injury?  What if you could strengthen your muscles and joints, decrease injury risk AND improve your run times—in less than 10 minutes a week?

Quantify Fitness, East Nashville’s first Smart Gym, (and just a block down from our meeting spot!) delivers safe and effective full-body strength training in minutes per week. Experience the latest exercise science and equipment and get quantifiable strength gains, fewer injuries and improved running times. Spend your time on the road, not in the gym!

Claim your FREE 2-Week Pass ($120 value) here:

Questions? Contact Chris Boehner at

Looking Ahead…

Our annual holiday party will be on Wednesday December 13th immediately following the run. Details to come!

Our annual Half Marathon Training Program will start back up the first week of 2018. More info to come!

Wednesday Nov 1 - Running Scared

Route #8

Hope everyone had a happy Halloween! Come run off some of those candy calories with us tonight! Our route tonight is Route #8: Rick’s Market. Check out the route map on Strava:

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. Remember we share the roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars – please help us be good neighbors!

Daylight Savings Time ends this Sunday, but it's already dark for our runs. You need to wear something that creates or reflects light on Wednesday evenings. Its pretty dark in parts of Shelby Park. Nashville Running Company is right around the corner from our meeting spot and has several options you can purchase if you’re in need of some gear.

No Pint Night

No Pint Night at NRC this week, but be sure to wish Lee and his crew good luck racing the Pinhoti 100 trail race this weekend. Our own board member Beth Meadows is racing it, too. Crush it, guys!

Instead of Pint Night at NRC, head over to 3 Crow Bar to get some post run rehydration. 3 Crow is a huge capital sponsor and friend of our organization. Be sure to treat (and tip!) the staff there very well - and thank them for hosting us every week for almost 10 years!

Get your beer fix at NRC on Nov 11th with a special event they are hosting to unveil all new gear from Patagonia!

Looking Ahead...

Our annual holiday party will be on Wednesday December 13th immediately following the run. Details to come!

Our annual Half Marathon Training Program will start back up the first week of 2018. More info to come!


PR Bandits Saturday Morning Run – Percy to Radnor

East Nasty is partnering with the ‘PR Bandits’ again in 2017 who are hosting supported long runs on Saturday mornings. This Saturday, we'l start from the Percy Warner Golf Course Clubhouse at 7am. We head down Belle Meade Blvd and then cut across Tyne Blvd towards Radnor Lake. Turn back at the Radnor Welcome Center for an easy 10mi or go all the way to the other side of the lake for 12mi.

10mi -

RSVP here and join the PR Bandits Facebook Group for more info, get run invites, and to link up with other runners. Saturday supported runs will be held at various favorite running routes across Nashville.

Wednesday Oct 25 - "Hollywood, you look good..."

Route #7

This week we run Route #7: Little Hollywood. Lots of turns on this route. For everyones safety, PLEASE always stay on the left and cross the street ONLY AT INTERSECTIONS. Don't be a maverick and run in the middle of the road or cross the road before you get to an intersection! Note: when you are running on Eastland, stay on the far left and stay single file over the bridge. Once you cross the gully, there will be a bike lane and then a sidewalk. The dog days of summer look to be behind us and it should be a nice crisp fall evening for a run!

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group.

Why We Start in Pace Groups

The primary reason we leave in pace groups is the gaps it creates between groups of runners. This helps with traffic flow at intersections and crossings - allowing cars and others to get through between our pace groups. We don’t want to be a parade! So, listen up for the your pace and start with that group, or wait for the next one. Please don’t start in between groups on your own. Our pace groups start at sub 8-min per mile and go in 30 second increments all the way to plus 10-min per mile.

Lighted and Reflective Gear

Just a reminder that you need to wear something that creates or reflects light on Wednesday evenings. Nashville Running Company is right around the corner from our meeting spot and has several options you can purchase if you’re in need of some gear.


Wednesday Oct 18 - Finally Fall

Route #6

This week is Route #6: Riverside. 99% percent of the time we need you to run on the left side of the road against traffic, but on this route there is one section in Shelby Park where that changes. After passing the lake, as you are going up the hill out of Shelby Park, stay on the RIGHT side of the road. Stay alert as the hill and curve in the road make it difficult to see and be seen by cars. (This is the same hill we run DOWN after Mt Nasty on Route #12). When you reach the top, turn right and go under the train bridge, then turn left onto Riverside. Stay on the left side of Riverside in the bike lane. Remember – we share those roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. Be sure to wear your lighted and reflective gear. You'll need it in the park.

Hope and Possibility Race

Achilles is a local non-profit agency that pairs athletes with disabilities with athletes without disabilities so that all can participate in mainstream running activities and events. In Achilles, athletes with disabilities can walk, run, or roll (e.g., wheelchair, handcycle, walker) to participate in running activities or events in order to promote personal achievement, healthy living, and active lifestyles. They are hosting the 4th annual Hope and Possibility® (Achilles signature race) on Saturday, October 21, 2017. This race has 1-mile or 5-mile distance options. Three miles of the course are on the scenic Richland Creek Greenway. Runners, walkers, and wheelers of all abilities are invited to this family-friendly event! Register here:

'East Nasty Saturday' at Nashville Running Company

Lee and the gang at Nashville Running Company are inviting you to their "East Nasty Saturday" this Saturday October 21st from 12-5pm. NRC is offering 25% off any new pair of shoes if you bring in an old pair to donate/recycle. If you don't have an old pair, no worries - you still get 20% off a new pair. There will also be apparel sales, random gifts, snacks, and of course, our favorite, beer!


Wednesday RunsMark
Wednesday Oct 11 - Ain't seen nothing yet until you're ...Downtown

Route #5

This Wednesday is one of our most popular runs: Route #5: Walking Bridge. It’s always fun to run across the bridge and through downtown. It's amazing to think about how much downtown has changed since we started running this route almost 10 years ago. As we run through downtown, remember that you are representing our organization and that our club’s safety, reputation, and standing in the community is a responsibility you share in. That means crossing the street only in crosswalks and intersections – never in the middle of the road. That means stopping at stoplights and to slow down and use caution at intersections. We need you to be respectful and courteous to pedestrians on the sidewalks downtown, along with other runners, cyclists, and motorists that we share the road with. We need you to do these things for your safety, the safety of your fellow runners, and to help the club maintain its mission of being a positive force in the community and not a burden to it. Thanks for doing your part!

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group.

Reflective and Lighted Gear

Sunset is at 6:16pm tonight. You need to wear something that creates or reflects light on Wednesday evenings. Nashville Running Company is right around the corner from our meeting spot and has several options you can purchase if you’re in need of some gear.

Wednesday Oct 4 - Running Down a Dream

"There's something good waitin' down this road..." - Tom Petty

Route #4

This week we head back into Shelby Park for Route #4: The Big Shelby Loop. 99% percent of the time we need you to run on the left side of the road against traffic, but on this route it’s safer to run on the right side on Davidson Street once you’re in the park. When you make the right turn from Davidson to head up the Sevier/Naval hill, get back over to the left side of the road. Once again we will be running right past the East Nashville Farmers Market – please be extra courteous and share the roads and greenway with the families and kids that will be out there. It is important for us to be good neighbors so we can continue to use the park.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group.

Reflective and Lighted Gear

If you didn't wear your lighted gear last week, you will for sure need it this week – parts of Shelby Park get pretty dark. Please begin wearing something that creates or reflects light on Wednesday evenings. Nashville Running Company is right around the corner from our meeting spot and has several options you can purchase if you’re in need of some gear.

Pint Night, Fall Sale, and Trail Racing at NRC

Immediately following the run, head over the Nashville Running Company for their monthly pint night! NRC always offers a 10% discount to East Nasty runners, and this Wednesday they will kick off their big Fall Sale including: $50 Shoe Table! $75 Shoe Table! 25% OFF other select shoes,! 50% OFF Spring/Summer apparel! 25% OFF Zamst injury prevention products! Have a pint of some Yazoo and pick up some new gear! We will have a handful of East Nasty shirts available for purchase, too!

Easy trails...

We’ve all run the greenway in Shelby Bottoms, but if you’ve never run the trails there, then you’re missing out!  The Shelby Bottoms 6 Miler trail race is this Sunday October 8th - starting and finishing at Cornelia Fort Air Park. A perfect race for those looking to dip their toes into the art of trail racing with soft, flat, fast, wide track trails (even some single track too!) A portion of the race proceeds goes to Friends of Shelby Park and Bottoms – an org that keeps our ‘home’ park one of the best in the city.

...and challenging trails!

Running, by its very nature, attracts people who are driven. And one of the negatives of that is a preoccupation with PR’s. Obviously it's fun to run as fast as possible for a particular distance, but it's also fun to challenge yourself to run a really hard race course. NRC is hosting one of those on Sunday, October 22nd: The Defeated Creek Trail Half Marathon. Let me give you one guarantee: you will not PR! But, it is a great opportunity to get off the roads and do something really tough.


Wednesday September 27 - Drive and Determination

Route #3

This week is Route #3: Musica. ‘Musica’ is the name of the massive sculpture art piece at the center of the music row roundabout at the far end of the route. This is an out and back route, so you can choose your milage. It’s about 4 miles if you turn around right after crossing the pedestrian bridge. It’s about 5 miles if you turn around at Cummins Station. And it’s about 6.3 if you do the whole thing. This route is a great way to see downtown, but there are lots of intersections and traffic on this route. When you run with us, your actions and behavior as an individual reflect on the club as a whole. Will you do your part to help the club remain a positive part of our city? Please don't run in the middle of the road or dart out into traffic. Please be especially courteous, use crosswalks, and obey traffic signals!

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:30pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group.

Reflective and Lighted Gear

It’s starting to get dark during our evening runs – it’s time for reflective gear and lights. Please begin wearing something that creates or reflects light on Wednesday evenings. Nashville Running Company is right around the corner from our meeting spot and has several options you can purchase if you’re in need of some gear.

Keep Going

Back in 2011, our very own President, Jeremy Taylor, first started running by joining our Potato-to-Tomato couch to 5K program. This weekend he completed a Half Ironman. In just six years, and at just over 40 yrs old, he went from struggling to complete just 60 seconds of running, to crushing a half marathon - AFTER swimming 1.2 miles and cycling for 56 miles. We're so proud of him! (As well as ALL the East Nasties who competed this weekend!) As incredible an individual accomplishment that is, Jeremy would be the first to say: you can do it, too. Maybe for you that means a Half Ironman, or maybe it means a 5k PR or your first Marathon. Whatever your goal is determination, consistency, and support can get you there. Jeremy's wife Juanita says: "I'm very proud of his drive and determination to do the things that don't come natural to him like running, swimming, and biking. All the while making sure that it's still fun. He's always supportive and encouraging to those around him." That's what East Nasty is all about. If you're struggling with your running or fitness (and we all do at some point) - keep at it. We're here to help. And keep supporting and encouraging those around you. That's why we run together. East Nasty ...for life!



Wednesday RunsDuane Stephenson
Wednesday September 20 - Sock-A-Knee

Route #2

This week we continue our 12 week cycle with Route #2: ‘Round the Bird. We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine, hot or cold. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work. If you are a run/walker and/or want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group.

This run takes us into Shelby Park and is a figure-8 route that crosses over itself. Be sure to high five each other at the intersection! Shelby Park is our local treasure and it can get pretty busy with lots of groups and events making use of it. We will be running right past the East Nashville Farmers Market – please be extra courteous and share the roads and greenway with the families and kids that will be out there. It is important for us to be good neighbors so we can continue to use the park.

Saucony Wear Test

Have you ever wanted to try a new brand of shoes on a full run but didn’t want to blindly buy a new pair? That's why shoe companies will often come out and ofter 'wear tests'. This Wednesday, Chad from Saucony will be set up at 11th & Holly with various models of the current Saucony footwear lineup for you to test out during the run. Chad will have the Kinvara, Hurricane, Ride, Freedom and Guide, so be sure to get there early to grab your size in the model that you want to test! Wear them for the run, and then return them after the run is over. Easy as that!

A quick note about our pace groups

The primary reason we leave in pace groups is the gaps it creates between smaller groups of runners. This helps with traffic flow at intersections and crossings allowing cars and others to get through between our pace groups. We don’t want to be a parade! So, listen up for the your pace and start with that group, or wait for the next one. Please don’t start in between groups on your own. Remember, our pace groups start at sub 8-min and go all the way to plus 10-min.


Wednesday RunsDuane Stephenson
PR Bandits Saturday Morning Run – Stones River Greenway

East Nasty is partnering with the ‘PR Bandits’ again in 2017 who are hosting supported long runs on Saturday mornings. Construction is complete! Time to get back out to Donelson and run the Stones River Greenway. This Saturday, September 16th, we will start at 7am from the Kohl's parking lot trail head. I repeat, 7am. It's staying dark longer, it's cooler, and now you get to sleep in too!

Starting towards the dam, where there are now drinking fountains and bathrooms, we'll turn and head back towards the start. This portion is 6 miles. Grab a drink at the start/finish and head out the other way for any additional mileage you desire. Don't go too far, you can find yourself downtown Nashville needing a ride back. Several people are still going long for their fall marathon so make sure you partner up before the run starts and make those miles a little easier with some good company.

12mi Route -

RSVP here and join the PR Bandits Facebook Group for more info, get run invites, and to link up with other runners. Saturday supported runs will be held at various favorite running routes across Nashville.