Pre-Thanksgiving Run
Yes! We do meet for a run the day before Thanksgiving. (In fact, we have not missed a Wednesday run since June 2008.) We usually have a smaller crowd on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, so we get to run something a little different. We'll be doing Route #7 Little Hollywood - but we will be running it in reverse direction! So plan on joining us at 6am or 6pm at the corner of 11th and Holly in East Nashville.
Thanksgiving Morning Runs
Many of you will be running The Boulevard Bolt on Thursday morning, but if you would rather burn off some pre-turkey calories here on the East Side, you have a couple of options.
The Riverside Screw is a free group run in East Nashville on Thanksgiving morning. Parking is available in Shelby Park under the railroad bridge near the entrance of Shelby Bottoms Greenway. Meet at 7:50 AM. We will walk to Riverside using the new Shelby Bottoms trailhead. The run starts at 8 AM. We will run along Riverside to McGavock Pike and back. This is an out-and-back fun run, so feel free to turn around whenever you want. This will be hilly. If you don't like hills, this is not the run for you. This is NOT a closed course. Obey all traffic signs. Runner assumes all liability. There may be fabulous prizes...
Go East Go Eat is a 5 mile run (or the ever popular shorter Pumpkin Pie 3.14 option - get it?) at 6:20am at the Shelby Bottom Nature Center followed by breakfast at Eastwood Christian Church at 8am. All are welcome to the run and breakfast. Please let them know if you are coming so they can be sure to have enough food.
Christmas Party
Our Annual Christmas party is set for Wednesday December 14th. We'll have our normal run, then immediately afterward everyone is invited to join us at Phil & Gretchen Zimmerman's house just down the street from our meeting spot for some food and drinks. This is also a time where we get a list of our "members". East Nasty is under the umbrella of the Road Runners Club of America, and there are costs associated with that along with our operations. So, if you consider yourself a part of East Nasty, we ask each of you to bring $10 to help us offset these costs. This allows us to keep doing all the things we do - such as offer free half and full marathon training, a free couch to 5k program, our big Post-Marathon Party, insurance for the club, uniforms for the Stratford High Cross Country Team, etc. We'll also have some East Nasty gear for sale if you are looking for Christmas gifts!
Destination Race 2017
By popular demand we will once again be heading down for the Chattanooga Marathon and Half Marathon for our spring destination race the weekend of March 3-5th, 2017. We had over 40 Nasties go and run last year and everyone had a great time - so we're going back! Like last year, we will probably coordinate a meet up Friday night, a shake out run on Saturday morning, dinner for Saturday night, and a group photo before the race on Sunday. Sign up for the race and join us for a fun weekend in Chatty! They are having an incredible 25% Off Sale this weekend Black Friday thru Cyber Monday - so REGISTER this weekend for the lowest possible price!
2017 Half and Full Marathon Training
More details coming soon, but mark your calendars: training starts Saturday morning January 7th in Shelby Park..