Posts in Wednesday Runs
PR Bandits Saturday Morning Run –Bicentennial Mall/ Cumberland River Green Way

East Nasty is partnering with the ‘PR Bandits’ who are hosting supported long runs on Saturday mornings. This Saturday we will be supplying Camelbak Elixir and SOS hydration so if you prefer anything else, please make sure you bring your own along! Starting at 6am from Bicentennial Mall on 7th Ave North (the roundabout about a block down from Jefferson St.), this run makes its way around the new ball park, up into Germantown, across MetroCenter, and then on the greenway directly into downtown. We finish the run with a few well deserved hills, and either make it an easy 8, or find a group that wants to add on some... Who knows, you may want to just do it again!

Hydration will be located at the start and finish, as well as the enterance onto the greenway, appoximalty 4 miles into the run.

8 mile loop -

RSVP here and join the PR Bandits Facebook Group for more info, get run invites, and to link up with other runners. Saturday supported runs will be held at various favorite running routes across Nashville. You can also email Brian Johnson at if you have any questions.

Wednesday, July 13

Route #4


Post -Run Specials

So most of us know that 3 Crow offers 2-4-1 beers on Wednesday nights.  But there are several other specials, including a brand new one that is really exciting... The Local Taco.   The deal for East Nasties is:

2-4-1 Tacos

$3 Craft Beers

Free Chips & Salsa with any purchase

Yet another fantastic reason to stay after the run to enjoy the great things East Nashville has to offer.    Just head over there after the run and tell them you're with East Nasty - better yet, don't change of throw on an East Nasty shirt.

Fall Half Training - still time to join!

Nashville’s big half marathon is in April…which is a terrible time for a full or half marathon in the south.    The fall/ early winter is a perfect time to tackle  13.1 or 26.2, which is why we offer half training for the fall.

The Fall Half training will start on Sunday, July 10th and will loosely follow the Hal Higdon Novice 2 training plan, so first week will be 4 miles for the long run.  (Note: If you are a more advanced runner, we encourage you to join up with the PR bandits.)  It’s a 12 week program, so it will prepare runners for the first Fall Nashville run which is called Half Full Races-Nashville on September 25th.  Other races that are in Nashville this Fall are Race 13.1 on Oct. 29 and Nashville Half on November 12.

The runs will be on Sunday mornings starting at 7:00 am from different locations around Nashville.  There will be a weekly email that lays out the details of the run.  There are no specific pace groups, but typically we have every pace from 8-13:00.  There will be hydration at the mid-way point on the runs and at the end.
Contact for more information.  Remember, correspondence will be through email so you will need to contact Alyce if you want to get on that list!


Wednesday RunsMark
PR Bandits Saturday Morning Run – Shelby Greenway / LP Loop

East Nasty is partnering with the ‘PR Bandits’ who are hosting long runs on Saturday mornings. We Return to East Nashville at 6 a.m.with a flat and fast run. *UPDATE* Meeting at the parking lot near the baseball fields and lake (and weird melting chrome bird), we will all start by runing the Greenway (8 mile O&B). For those feeling like adding on somemiles, just keep going and make it a figure eight, doing a lap around the LP field (making it 14 miles total). Two runs identifed, but total distance is your choice!

Hydration will not be provided due to scheduling this week but there are drinking fountains at the Nature Center as well as the end of the greenway before looping back.

8 Mile Out and Back - 14 Mile Figure Eight -

RSVP here and join the PR Bandits Facebook Group for more info, get run invites, and to link up with other runners. Saturday supported runs will be held at various favorite running routes across Nashville. You can also email Brian Johnson at if you have any questions.

Wednesday, June 6

I know this is the first Wednesday of the month, but unfortunately there is no pint night at NRC.  Lee is out enjoying the Olympic trials, so we'll have to wait until he gets back. Wait... pint night is saved.

Dr. Tom Hadley has invited everyone to East Side Smiles after the run for a pint (or two).   East Side Smiles is that small building right next to East High School, directly across Gallatin from Marche.   The address is 7 North 10th street.

Thanks Tom!

Fall Half Training

Nashville's big half marathon is in April...which is a terrible time for a full or half marathon in the south.    The fall/ early winter is a perfect time to tackle  13.1 or 26.2, which is why we offer half training for the fall.

The Fall Half training will start on Sunday, July 10th and will loosely follow the Hal Higdon Novice 2 training plan, so first week will be 4 miles for the long run.  (Note: If you are a more advanced runner, we encourage you to join up with the PR bandits.)  It’s a 12 week program, so it will prepare runners for the first Fall Nashville run which is called Half Full Races-Nashville on September 25th.  Other races that are in Nashville this Fall are Race 13.1 on Oct. 29 and Nashville Half on November 12.

The runs will be on Sunday mornings starting at 7:00 am from different locations around Nashville.  There will be a weekly email that lays out the details of the run.  There are no specific pace groups, but typically we have every pace from 8-13:00.  There will be hydration at the mid-way point on the runs and at the end.
Contact for more information.  Remember, correspondence will be through email so you will need to contact Alyce if you want to get on that list!

Route #3

This is our one out and back route, leaving you plenty of mileage options.

Route #3

Here is a blog posting about how things work on Wednesday nights.   Take a moment and read up if you have never joined us before.

Wednesday RunsMark
PR Bandits Saturday Morning Run – Stones River Greenway

East Nasty is partnering with the ‘PR Bandits’ who are hosting supported long runs on Saturday mornings. This Saturday we will be supplying Camelbak Elixir hydration so if you prefer anything else, please make sure you bring your own along! This out and back run is currently the furthest east the PR Bandits run. We meet at 6a.m. at the greenway trailhead in Kohl's parking lot off Lebanon Pike and Jackson Downs Blvd, an easy start point for the Stones River Greenway. This is a multi-directional out and back, so we get to see people coming and going multiple times. It is a great greenway that allows you to chose your distance. For the most part this is a flat run, so make sure to enjoy!

Since we cross the start finishline about 4.5 miles into the run, it is probable we will only have hydration at one location on this run, so please prepare accordingly.

11.5 Mile Out and Back

This Saturday is once again Dollar Donation Day! If you enjoy our runs, please consider donating a dollar to help us to continue supporting you. It is not required to run with us but greatly appreciated. Don't carry cash? Venmo and PayPal options are available too.

RSVP here and join the PR Bandits Facebook Group for more info, get run invites, and to link up with other runners. Saturday supported runs will be held at various favorite running routes across Nashville. You can also email Brian Johnson at if you have any questions.

Wednesday, June 29

East Nashville Tomato 5k

Remember to sign up for the East Nashville Tomato 5k.    This is East Nasty’s adopted “homecoming” race, it supports our local Y, and the race is just the start of a great day in East Nashville (Tomato Fest Day…)     Register here.   (Also when you register put your team name as “East Nasty”)

Route #2

Right around mile 2 you'll be passing the East Nashville Farmer's market, the run may be a little congested at this point.  Please be courteous and look out for kids!

While you're in the park, you may also get a glance of the potato to tomato training group hard at work.

Also there will be a special treat at 11th and Boscobel...  Intrigued?

round the bird

Calling all East Nasty women!

For the past 4 years East Nasty women have coached clients at The Next Door ( ) in preparation for the Heroes in Recovery 6k in September.
The residents have recently come out of incarceration and are in treatment for addiction and co-occurring disorders. Leading healthy lives through exercise is a HUGE part of their recovery!!
We will follow a Couch to "6K" training schedule.
Training Days and times:
6am Monday
6am Wednesday
8am Sunday
We need a minimum of 2 coaches per day. Committing to one day a week is ideal and a tremendous help!
Location: The Next Door, 402 22nd Ave N, Nashville, TN 37203
We will be doing a lot of training in Centennial Park and the surround area.
To see these women set a goal they can't even begin to think is attainable and KNOW through our training that they WILL cross that finish line is an experience beyond words for both the women and the coaches.
PLEASE consider joining and be a significant part in changing lives through volunteerism.
Contact Heidi Huerta with questions or to sign up no later than Wednesday, July 6th.


Wednesday RunsMark
PR Bandits Saturday Morning Run – The 12 South Loop

East Nasty is partnering with the ‘PR Bandits’ who are hosting supported long runs on Saturday mornings. This is a great run, and last year it was one of the best attended. Starting (at 6 a.m.) and finishing at the Sevier Park Shelter, the run brings you into both Oak Hills and Green Hills, and then down Belmont Blvd and into the city for the longer run. We offer two distance options, and even though it is not an out-and-back, you can modify this run to your liking.

We will provide hydration at the start and finish as well as around mile 5.5 (St. Bartholomew's)

8.7 Mile Loop 13.5 Mile Loop

RSVP here and join the PR Bandits Facebook Group for more info, get run invites, and to link up with other runners. Saturday supported runs will be held at various favorite running routes across Nashville. You can also email Brian Johnson at if you have any questions.

We need cup cleaning volunteers!

Cups WE NEED YOUR HELP! Each week we ask for a volunteer to clean the water cups. One of our simplest, but most important needs each week. Here's how it works: 1) Take the cups home after the run on Wednesday. 2) Wash them. 3) Bring them back the next week. Easy stuff. Please sign up here. We need volunteers for this next several weeks including TONIGHT! No clean cups = no water after these hot summer night runs. Will you help out?

Volunteer to help wash the cups!

Wednesday, June 22

Tomato Festival 5k

First things first, you need to sign up for the tomato fest 5k right now.  Why?   This is East Nasty's adopted "homecoming" race, it supports our local Y, and the race is just the start of a great day in East Nashville (Tomato Fest Day...)    Why now?   The price goes up on June 24.   Register here.   (Also when you register put your team name as "East Nasty")

Route #1

We are back to route #1.   And since we are back to run #1, I thought I would give everyone a reminder about how these runs work:

How it works…

  1. Wednesday morning – Check the blog for any updates and changes, and reacquaint yourself with that week’s route.  Print out the route if you think you might get lost.
  2. 5:45 (sometimes a little earlier) – The Lasty Nasties start their run.  The Lasties are our walk/run group that starts before the main group.   If you typically run slower than 12 minutes per mile you should consider joining this group.    (Here is their Facebook page.)
  3. As you are arriving, the map of the route for that night should be hanging on the porch of the yellow house.
  4. 6:08 – We begin announcements which should take about two minutes.
  5. 6:10 – Greet someone new, and prepare for your run.
  6. 6:11 (ish) We don’t just start running en masse.   We leave in groups, and someone will be starting those group from fastest to slowest  – starting with under 7:30 pace, and going in 30 second increments (7:30 – 8:00, 8:00 – 8:30, etc…), with a short gap between groups.  The last group is 10 minutes per mile and over.
  7. During the run safety is priority number one!   We encourage you to run as hard as you want, but this is not a race.   So  (1) run on the sidewalk as much as possible, (2) if it's dark, wear something that creates or reflects light, (3) be careful at intersections, don’t assume cars are going to stop, and (4)stop if one of your fellow runners needs help.
  8. Bring a change of clothes (or not) – and head over to 3 Crow or one of the other local establishments for a drink and/or some dinner.

Run #1: One Hilly 5k



Wednesday RunsMark
PR Bandits Saturday Morning Run – Richland Creek to the Hillwood Neighborhood

East Nasty is partnering with the ‘PR Bandits’ who are hosting supported long runs on Saturday mornings. We will meet at the McCabe Golf Course at 6am and start out on the Richland Creek Greenway. Circling half way, we'll head out towards White Bridge Rd and go in to the Hillwood neighborhood. After a 'parade of homes', we'll head back to the greenway and finish out the loop.

8mi - 12mi -

RSVP here and join the PR Bandits Facebook Group for more info, get run invites, and to link up with other runners. Saturday supported runs will be held at various favorite running routes across Nashville. You can also email Brian Johnson at if you have any questions.

Wednesday, June 15 - The Summer Nasty

The Nasty

On Wednesday nights, we have 12 different routes, which means that we run each one 4 times per year.   (We fill in the gaps with some random runs...)    So it works out that we get to experience each route in each season (more or less).   This Wednesday is the summer Nasty...   Not only is it our most difficult run, but it's going to be hot - and perhaps raining.   It doesn't get better than this!

The Nasty

If you are new to the group, take a moment and read this.

Potato to Tomato

Our annual couch to 5k program (we call it potato to tomato) starts this Saturday.  Maybe you are a new runner or are coming off a long hiatus and need some motivation/accountability to start running again.  Or perhaps a friend/family member wants to get in shape but just can't get started on their own.   Whatever your status, our program is free and open to everyone.    (Kids can join the program as long as one of their parents joins as well...)

Read about the program here, then sign up today - or pass it onto someone you know.  We hope to see you on Saturday!

Newton Wear Test

Show up at NRC as early as 5 pm to try a pair of Newton's for Wednesday's run.  (Weather permitting...)


Wednesday RunsMark
PR Bandits Saturday Morning Run – Harpeth River Greenway from Edwin Warner Park

East Nasty is partnering with the ‘PR Bandits’ who are hosting supported long runs on Saturday mornings. This route was new for 2015 and received rave reviews! We will start from the gravel parking lot at Edwin Warner Park (opposite of the Nature Center) and run out the Harpeth River Greenway. Being an out-and-back, it's a great route for mileage of your choosing.

12mi -

RSVP here and join the PR Bandits Facebook Group for more info, get run invites, and to link up with other runners. Saturday supported runs will be held at various favorite running routes across Nashville. You can also email Brian Johnson at if you have any questions.