Tuesday Feb 6 - Speed Work is Back!


Tuesday Night Workouts

Our Tuesday night speed workouts begin TONIGHT! We will meet every Tuesday at 6pm through April at 11th and Holly (the same location as our Wednesday night runs). Please arrive a little early and be ready to run PROMPTLY at 6pm. Bring a stopwatch or GPS! We will warm up together (by jogging to either Nissan stadium, a local track, or hill), perform our workout, then jog back together as a group. These kind of structured workouts are a great way to improve your running fitness and will help improve your running IQ.  You’ll learn about tempo runs, hills repeats and track work. We’ll do some workouts by distance, some by time and some by “feel”.  This is also a great way to get to know some new folks in a smaller setting. Bree Block and Andy VanLandingham will be heading these up!