PR Bandits Saturday Morning Run – The Hunt for Flying Monkeys

East Nasty is partnering with the ‘PR Bandits’ who are hosting supported long runs on Saturday mornings. Have you heard of the Nashville Flying Monkey? They are a rare breed and even more rarely seen. They fly among the hills of Percy Warner Park and come together at least once a year to show their stuff.

This Saturday we will meet at the Deep Wells Trailhead at 6:30am. DEEP WELLS TRAILHEAD - 6:30AM. For those who may think they have what it takes to find a Flying Monkey, you will be able to search the 5.8mi and 11.2mi loop. Leave the Red Bull at home, there's only one way to earn your wings in this park.

5.8mi Orange Loop - 11.2mi Green Loop -

If you're unfamiliar with the Deep Wells entrance, it is near the intersection of Vaughns Gap Rd and Hwy 100 - There are 2 porta-potties available and you can park along the road if the lot is full.

RSVP here and join the PR Bandits Facebook Group for more info, get run invites, and to link up with other runners. Saturday supported runs will begin at 6:30am and be held at various favorite running routes across Nashville. You can also email Brian Johnson at if you have any questions.