PR Bandits Saturday Morning Run - Percy Warner Park

If you haven't run the 5.8mi or 11.2mi loops at Percy Warner Park, now is your chance! It might be hilly but it doesn't get much better than Percy Warner Park. This weekend we are also accepting $1 donations to help cover the cost of equipment and fluids to keep you hydrated along the run with us. LOCATION CHANGE!!!! If you've run this with us or East Nasty before, we're moving the 'usual' start location on you. We will meet at the Deep Wells entrance (use 7105 Hwy 100, Nashville for GPS). Parking is easier, you can hit the trails directly from here if so inclined, and best of all, bathrooms!

5.8mi Orange Loop - 11.2mi Green Loop -

Join the PR Bandits Facebook Group for more info, get run invites, and to link up with other runners. Saturday supported runs will begin at 6:00am and be held at various favorite running routes across Nashville. You can also email Brian Johnson at if you have any questions.