Wednesday, May 13: Volunteers and Clean Up
Seeing the Mayor in an East Nasty shirt made me think of one thing: our responsibility to be good citizens in our neighborhoods and great advocates for the running community. This mindset is what I think distinguishes East Nasty from other running groups, and I think it is a mindset that is shared by our mayor. Community focus is the foundation that this group is built upon, and if that ever goes away, we should just disband! So what does that mean? We need volunteers to help with two couch to 5k programs, and after the run this week we're going to give back to the neighborhood that has been so good to us!
1) Alley Clean Up.
After our run tomorrow, everyone needs to get into groups of 2-3, grab some bags and gloves and go pick up trash! This is one way that East Nasty gives back to our great community. And all you need to bring is a willing spirit. We will give you gloves, trash bags, and a map that highlights your section of the neighborhood to clean. This should only eat into about 15 minutes of our post-run fun! As you are cleaning, specifically look for empty Gu packets, crushed cups and other things that are often left behind after a marathon.
2) Potato to Tomato Training Program
Each year we offer a free community couch to 5k training program. The program starts in June and the goal race is the East Tomato 5k, which raises money for the YMCA. Usually we have around 200 people join this program - which means we need your help! We could use about 10-15 more volunteers. If you are willing to be a volunteer coach, please email Susi Willis at for details.
3) Calling all East Nasty women!
4) Wednesday's route.
Run #7: Little Hollywood. 6 am or 6 pm at the corner of 11th and Holly.