Wednesday, March 3: Icepocolypse Part 2 ?
For years, East Nasty Wednesday nights seemed blessed. For example it would be pouring rain at 5:59, and then when 6:10 rolled around the skies would clear and we would have a beautiful run. This winter has changed all that! After a great day on Tuesday, it looks like another snowy night tonight. But....we're still on! In fact, the Mizuno rep will be on hand if you want to try a pair of shoes for the run tonight. Show up at Nashville Running Company at 5 p.m. and you can take a pair out for a spin. Update: The Mizuno wear test and pint night has been rescheduled for two weeks from now.
Wednesday 6p.m. at the corner of 11th and Holly.
Route #9: LP Field
Pint Night Rescheduled!
One of the best parts of East Nasty is the after run hang. Many of the local establishments have Wednesday night specials and lots of folks bring a change of clothes (or not) and meet friends out for a drink or some food. (If this has not been part of your Wednesday routine, I encourage you to start taking part!) Nashville Running Company has been kind enough to host a pint night the first Wednesday of each month...which is today. Well, because the weather looks very iffy - this month's pint night is going to happen next week in two weeks.
Thursday Night Workouts
6p.m. at the corner of 11th and Holly on Thursday. Free Running Workouts!
Stay tuned for an announcement about the Thursday night workout. We'll make a decision tomorrow based on the conditions.
Saturday Half/Full Training
This weekend we will begin to run on the half/full marathon course. We will be meeting in East Park by the community center. (Normally we would meet at LP field but there is a race there this Saturday.) Expect an email if you are part of the group - if not, show up at the East Park community center at 8 a.m. Everyone is welcome to join in!