Wednesday, November 26

Eat Turkey Guilt Free...

Yes, we do meet for a run the day before Thanksgiving.  (In fact, we have not missed a Wednesday run since June 2008.)    So plan on joining us for route #11 on Wednesday.

6 am or 6 pm at the corner of 11th and Holly in East Nashville.  See you then!

Route #11: ChurchesChristmas Party

Our Christmas party is on December 10th.  We'll have our normal run, then everyone is invited to join us at Phil & Gretchen Zimmerman's house for some food and drinks.   This is also a time where we get a list of our "members".     East Nasty is a member of the Road Runners Club of America, and there is a cost associated with that.   We are asking folks to bring $10 to help us offset these costs.   This allows us to keep doing what we're doing!    (We'll also have some East Nasty gear if you are looking for a Christmas present...)

Calling all pace leaders!

Our full / half marathon training begins the first Saturday in January, and we are looking for (a) participants and (b) volunteers.

Volunteers:  If you would like to pass your love of running along, we need 12 pace leaders.  These are people who will train a group to meet a particular time goal.   Those goals are 1:45, 2:00, 2:15 and 2:30.  (We also have a pretty good contingent of people up front who are looking to break 1:30.)   If this piques your interest, please email Mark at

Participants: We'll have a detailed outline plus a place to sign up soon, but here are some specifics if you are looking to participate.   1) We meet on Saturday mornings at 8:00 starting the first Saturday in January through race day.  2) Our running requirement is that you need to be able to run 5 miles without stopping by January 1.   3) It's free.  Look for more details next week.


Wednesday RunsMark