Wednesday, November 26
Eat Turkey Guilt Free...
Yes, we do meet for a run the day before Thanksgiving. (In fact, we have not missed a Wednesday run since June 2008.) So plan on joining us for route #11 on Wednesday.
6 am or 6 pm at the corner of 11th and Holly in East Nashville. See you then!
Christmas Party
Our Christmas party is on December 10th. We'll have our normal run, then everyone is invited to join us at Phil & Gretchen Zimmerman's house for some food and drinks. This is also a time where we get a list of our "members". East Nasty is a member of the Road Runners Club of America, and there is a cost associated with that. We are asking folks to bring $10 to help us offset these costs. This allows us to keep doing what we're doing! (We'll also have some East Nasty gear if you are looking for a Christmas present...)
Calling all pace leaders!
Our full / half marathon training begins the first Saturday in January, and we are looking for (a) participants and (b) volunteers.
Volunteers: If you would like to pass your love of running along, we need 12 pace leaders. These are people who will train a group to meet a particular time goal. Those goals are 1:45, 2:00, 2:15 and 2:30. (We also have a pretty good contingent of people up front who are looking to break 1:30.) If this piques your interest, please email Mark at
Participants: We'll have a detailed outline plus a place to sign up soon, but here are some specifics if you are looking to participate. 1) We meet on Saturday mornings at 8:00 starting the first Saturday in January through race day. 2) Our running requirement is that you need to be able to run 5 miles without stopping by January 1. 3) It's free. Look for more details next week.