Wednesday, September 17

Route #1

Meet at the corner of 11th and Holly at 6 a.m. or 6 p.m.   This week, we are back to run #1.   As we run into Shelby Park, you'll notice that there are some big changes coming.   Maybe next time we run this course, we'll be running up the new greenway!

Also, you'll notice some new faces making announcements over the next 12 weeks.  Be sure to say hi to Leah and Taylor.

Run #1: One Hilly 5k

Chicago Marathoners

If you are getting a shirt printed for the race, you need to bring your blank shirt and $10 this week!   Email Kim Stokes ( for more details, or just bring your blank shirt and money and find her at the beginning of the run on Wednesday!



Wednesday RunsMark