Wednesday June 27

The Run

This week we are running into Shelby Park for Route #2: 'Round the Lake.  Be sure to check out the link to learn the route, and volunteer to be a pace leader. It’s easy and we need volunteers each and every week. All you have to do is: 1) learn the route, and 2) run approximately at the pace you select. A little slower is fine, faster is not. The purpose is more about keeping people from getting lost, not to maintain the strictest pace.

Looks like it is gonna be pretty hot this week - be sure to hydrate all day before the run and maybe bring extra water with you. You can join the morning run for a cooler option than the afternoon heat.

The morning run meets at 5:5oam and leaves promptly at 6am. The evening run meets at 6pm. Both runs do the same route and meet at 11th & Holly. As always, please stay out of the road as we gather.

Our Couch-to-5K training group (nearly 300 people strong!) will be in parts of the park during our evening run, be sure to encourage any of them that you see! Those guys are taking their first steps (literally) to a healthier and more fit lifestyle.


We need volunteers to help wash the cups! We dont have anyone signed up for this week or next month at all. Washing the cups just involves taking them home, washing them and bringing them back the next week. Please sign up here!

Being Good Neighbors

We did much better last week with staying on the sidewalks, to the far left on the roads, and stopping for traffic at intersections. Lets keep that up! Don't be afraid to call someone out who is running in the middle of the road or doesn't know our group run rules.

See you tomorrow. ENFL! -Duane