Post Marathon Blues - Try some new shoes!

Wednesday Night Run

The half-marathon is over, but we keep on running!  This week's run is Route #6: Riverside and everyone should take it nice and slow! 6pm at 11th & Holly.


This week Puma will be visiting Nashville Running Company, and they are willing to bring some shoes for us to take our for a test drive (run).  If you are interested in trying on a pair of Pumas, come to our normal meeting spot at 5:30.

Being Good Neighbors

Races create a lot of trash. Gu packets, used cups, powerbar wrappers, etc.  This week after the run, please hang around for 15 minutes for a post-marathon street clean-up. We have garbage bags, gloves, and maps. All you need is a willingness to make our neighborhood a better place.

Also, we need volunteers to help wash the cups. Sign up here. We need someone this week!

Speeding Things Up

East Nasty is committed to make Wednesday nights a great experience. We are actively trying to streamline our processes, and have created a post-marathon goal of having everyone running before 6:18 every week.  Here is our plan, but to make this a reality we need everyone's help:

1.  We are going to shorten announcements, and have them start right at 6:10.  Which mean you guys need to read the blog!

2. All 3 sub-8 minute pace groups will leave at the same time.  We will still have three pace leaders, but all three groups will leave at once.

3. We will have all the pace leaders up front right at 6, so people can line up in their groups BEFORE the announcements.  This step REALLY requires your help.  Over the last couple of months the real bottle neck to getting the run started has been finding pace leader volunteers. We need you to come to us and volunteer. Look for the person with the pace signs, and go grab one.

See you Wednesday! -Mark

Wednesday RunsMark