Sunday - April 1: Race Pace
1/2 Marathon Training
Sunday, April 1: Shelby Park 8 a.m.
We are about a month away from the 1/2 marathon, and our run this week is an extremely important one: 6-8 miles at goal 1/2 marathon pace. This run is a very specific race-simulation type workout, and it will help you go into the race with a realistic goal. For example, if on Sunday you have trouble running 6 miles at 9-minute pace, then you certainly won't be able to run 13.1 miles at 9-minute pace in a month! Conversely, if 8 minute miles feel comfortable for 8 miles, then you are probably right on track for a 1:45 half-marathon.
This run will be back at Shelby Park. We're meeting at 8 a.m. Once again, we'll be running the 3 mile (actually 4.9 kilometer) loop through the park.
Novice: 10 minutes easy + 6 miles @ goal pace + 10 minutes easy
Intermediate: 15 minutes easy + 7 miles @ goal pace + 10 minutes easy
Advanced: 2 miles easy + 8 miles @ goal pace + 2 miles easy
* Note: the 3-mile"ish" loop is probably about 80 meters longer than 3 miles. So for every lap subtract 20 - 40 seconds (depending on pace) to get your 3-mile time.
Brunch is back on for this week! Allison Miles lives on the East Side over by KIPP Academy Nashville. Here is more information, including her address, but more importantly a place for you to sign up for something to bring! (Love those waffles!)
See you on Sunday!