Wednesday 4/8/09: Llamas with Hats
This Wednesday for the East Nasties is Run #4. This Wednesday for coach Miller (that's me when I'm at school) is a track meet. Hargrove and Drew will be around to get everbody started - but you may want to check out the map before the run just in case. "Track Meet?" you ask. I'm a high school track coach and teacher. ( I teach math; in fact I consider myself more of a teacher than a coach.) So even though track meets occasionally disrupt my evening plans (they last forever - it probably won't end until 8:30), every fall and spring afternoon I get paid to hang out with kids and run, so I'm not complaining!
Now many of you are thinking "I couldn't be paid enough to be surrounded by 14-19 year olds all day long". And while there are some things that are annoying about that age, there is also a lot to enjoy. Starting with this: high school boys want to make everything fun, and that includes running. A 10 mile run with adults may include conversations about work, the state of the economy or the most recent running injury; a 10-mile run with teenage boys includes lots of Monty Python quotes, acting out llamas with hats and other bizarre Youtube cartoons (google Charlie the Unicorn) or quoting Star Wars while jumping through "portals" and making Chewbacca sounds. Oh yes, and girls - there's always a lot of talk about girls. A workout with adults includes heart rate monitors and technical clothes; at school, our workouts always end with shirts off (regardless of temperature) and the last interval is always run as hard as possible.
So in that spirit, enjoy not only this run, but the chance to make it fun! It's not a chance to talk about the world's problems and get in better shape, it's a chance to quote Dumb and Dumber and laugh with each other for 45 minutes... Run fast if you want to, or slow down and chat with your friends. Just have fun!
Remember, bring a change of clothes for 3 Crow -and I hope to meet you there later on to claim my winnings!